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Hate Watch

Hate Watch - keeping an eye on the true hate groups: SPLC, ADL, NAACP, et al...

The collection of commentary, parody and news links below chronicles the "Hate Industry," including the racial grievance
pimps, hypocrites and demagogues in America. Examples of the worst of the Hate Groups we monitor are the Southern Poverty Law Center
(SPLC), La Voz de Aztlan,
and the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). We want to hear from you. Please send feedback directly
to the author or to GHC Chairman Jim Dean.

Phone: 404-966-6827 email:



18 April 2013 The Culture War on Confederate Heritage - Steve Scroggins 
Veterans Today
18 April 2013 Morris Dees, Advisor to Army Intelligence, FBI and Homeland Security on Domestic Terror/Patriot Groups - Gordon Duff 
Veterans Today
17 April 2013 Planting the Seed of Propaganda: Media Repeatedly Suggests Patriots Are Responsible for Boston Marathon Bombing - Daisy Luther 
SPLC is a significant contributor to this 'blame the right' mindset.
17 April 2013 I Am a Terrorist - Jim Karger 
I display a Gadsden flag in my office; according to Janet Napolitano, that makes me a terrorist.
17 April 2013 SPLC's Mark Potok as CNN Guest: Boston Bomber Likely Not ‘Radical Right' - Target Wasn't Blacks, Jews, Gays or Muslims - Joel Sheppard --- Mark Potok a devious spin doctor
16 April 2013 ABC Speculates: Was Boston 'Homegrown Terror?' Features Mark Potok on 'Extreme Right' - 
SPLC always ready to blame the 'extreme right'...
15 April 2013 Hate industry: Fastest growing sector under Obama - Paul E. Rondeau
15 April 2013 CNN's Expert Analysis: Sheer Demagoguery - Joseph Farah 
15 April 2013 The Boston Marathon Bombing... SPLC praises bomber William Ayers - Thomas DiLorenzo 
LRC Blog
15 April 2013 re: Bombing in Boston... - Thomas DiLorenzo 
LRC Blog
15 April 2013 Bombing in Boston: The Southern Paranoia Law Center Hopes It Was... - Bill Anderson 
LRC Blog
15 April 2013 Southern Poverty Law Center Gets Rich By Selling Fear - Robert Knight
15 April 2013 King of Fearmongers - Morris Dees and the Southern Poverty Law Center, scaring donors since 1971 - Charlotte Allen

14 April 2013 Army Officer Labels Conservatives 'Hate Groups' - John Waage

14 April 2013 FRC president warns some Christians could be put on watch list, denied guns - Joe Newby

10 April 2013 Department of Homeland Security Funded Course Asks Cops If They Will Confiscate Guns From Christians - 

10 April 2013 Lawmakers Demand Army Apologize for Anti-Christian Briefing - 

10 April 2013 SPLC Releases Annual List of Worst 'Haters' - Chuck Baldwin

7 April 2013 Feds Identify 300,000 Americans as Terrorists - The Daily Sheeple 
These Feds heavily influenced by the SPLC

6 April 2013 Police teach tactics for handling 'sovereign citizens' - LA Times 
Can you think of a more Orwellian term than "non-violent terrorist"?

5 April 2013 Defense Department classifies Catholics, evangelicals as extremists - Lachlan Markay -- SPLC sees all Christians as "extremists" and has infiltrated DoD

2 April 2013 Confronted by MSNBC's Cupp, SPLC Rep Doubles Down On Labeling Family Research Council as 'Hate Group' - Ken Shepherd

2 April 2013 Judicial Watch, Family Research Council Sue Departments of Education, Justice Over Controversial Anti-Bullying Settlement - Judicial Watch - Administration Refuses to Provide Records of Relationship between DOJ, DOE, Southern Poverty Law Center, and National Center for Lesbian Rights in MN Bullying Lawsuit

2 April 2013 AP Drops Term 'Illegal Immigrant' From Style Guide - Roque Planas - Thought Police guiding language use at AP.... we suggest 'statutory-deficient' to replace 'illegal'

30 March 2013 Paul Krugman Proves Himself to be a Fraud (Again) - Thomas DiLorenzo

29 March 2013 Fusion center director: We don’t spy on Americans, just anti-government Americans - - The Founders were "anti-government Americans" --- what a WASTE of scarce resources!

24 March 2013 Big Flak For Big Sis and Homeland Security - Preston James 
Veterans Today
6 Feb 2013 SPLC Website Provided Shooter with His Targets - John Sexton
6 Feb 2013 Southern Poverty Law Center website triggered FRC shooting - Paul Bedard
30 Sept 2009 A Guide to Understanding the Tactics of the SPLC in the Immigration Debate -


31 December 2012 More coming soon... - ... 
Archives under update
24 October 2012 Another Fake Hate Crime – Someone Hated Themselves - Jim W. Dean 
Veterans Today
20 September 2012 SPLC Media Guide #4 -- Black hate groups lead the pack - Richard Keefe 
Watching the Watchdogs
9 September 2012 SPLC Media Guide #3 -- No Minorities at the Top - Richard Keefe 
Watching the Watchdogs
31 August 2012 SPLC Media Guide #2 -- "Hate Incidents" - Richard Keefe 
Watching the Watchdogs
31 August 2012 SPLC Media Guide #1 -- "Hate Groups" - Richard Keefe 
Watching the Watchdogs
2 June 2012 The Latest Leftist Smear of Patriots and Constitutionalists - Thomas DiLorenzo 
21 April 2012 A Look Into the Southern Poverty Law Center - 
Youtube video
21 April 2012 SPLC Expose: Law Enforcement policy: Who Decides? - BirchTube 
JBS video
4 January 2012 Teaching Tolerance...SPLC Style - R Keefe 
3 January 2012 SPLC - 2011 - The Year in Hate that Wasn't - R Keefe 


5 October 2011 Mark Potok — The SPLC's 'Hate Map' is an "Imperfect Process" - R Keefe 
1 September 2011 The Southern Poverty Law Center Infiltrates Public Education - Laurie Higgins 
22 August 2011 BARBER: ‘Pride’ vs. Patriotism - Matt Barber 
22 August 2011 NBC News’ Sharpton Repeats ‘Black Cloud’ Deception - 
Shameless liar of the Hate Industry
22 August 2011 Jon Stewart Hammers Ed Schultz for Race-Baiting Deceptive Edit - 
20 August 2011 SPLC — Housing Crisis for “Hate Groups”? - WTW - RKeefe 
17 August 2011 SPLC Continues Scamming the Media and Public with Phony Claims - Bob Dane 
16 August 2011 The SPLC Wants To Starve My Family (Among Others) - Jared Taylor 
16 August 2011 The Truth about the Oath Keepers - Kathryn M. DeLong 
A group the SPLC loves to smear as "terrorists"...
16 August 2011 A Reminder of What the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) Really is? - Robert Sungenis 
16 August 2011 NAACP's incredible attempt to ban flag - Les Kinsolving 
NAACP demands right to specify how others think
15 August 2011 SPLC -- "Fighting Hate" on $86,000 a day - Watching The Watchdogs 
Brilliant fiscal analysis
14 August 2011 They Don’t Want Us Doing This. We’re Doing It Anyway - Michael Boldin, TAC 
SPLC warns that Nullify Now! tour is a hate movement
11 August 2011 Black on White Violence: Is There a Racial Double Standard for Hate Crimes? - Carol M. Swain 
9 August 2011 Junk Mail Huckster, Morris Dees, With $220 Million, Awarded $100,000 More - Steve Bright 
(repost on separate blog)
7 August 2011 Junk mail huckster Morris Dees, with $220 million, awarded $100,000 more - Steve Bright 
July 1988 Poverty Palace - How the Southern Poverty Law Center got rich fighting the Klan - John Egarton, The Progressive 
PDF format
13 February 1994 Charity of riches - Montgomery Advertiser 
PDF format
1 August 2011 SPLC — Every Tragedy Has a Golden Lining - WTW - rkeefe 
28 July 2011 Isn't the Southern Poverty Law Center the Real Hate Group? - Michael Brown 
Short Answer: Yes!
28 July 2011 Buzzards Descend on Norway Tragedy Corpses - Jim Dean 
Morris Dees of the Southern Poverty Larceny Center (SPLC) Launches Fundraiser on Norway Dead Before They are Even Buried
16 July 2011 Is the SPLC violating its tax-exempt status? - WTW - rkeefe 
11 July 2011 SPLC - Mark Potok's Credentials? - WTW - rkeefe 
22 June 2011 Racial Racketeering for Fun and Profit: The Southern Poverty Law Center Scam
- Thomas DiLorenzo 
22 June 2011 Racial America's New Racists - Walter E. Williams 
15 June 2011 Why the freak-out over prayer? - Joseph Farrah, WND 
2 April 2011 Southern Poverty Law Center - 
1 April 2011 Fighting 'Hate' for Profit and Power: The SPLC's Political Agenda Up Close - John Vinson 
31 March 2011 Cooking the Books on 'Hate'- A Closer Look at SPLC's Famous List - Steven Menzies 
30 March 2011 SPLC: America's Left-Wing Hate Machine - Jerry Woodruff 
29 March 2011 Bashing for Dollars The SPLC's Predatory Game - Brenda Walker 
28 March 2011 An Expert on Fringe Political Movements Reflects on the SPLC's Political Agenda - Laird Wilcox 
27 March 2011 The Practice of Ritual Defamation - How Values, Opinions, and Beliefs Are Controlled in Democratic Societies - Laird Wilcox 
26 March 2011 The Southern Poverty Law (and Investing) Center - Will SPLC, a Beneficiary of Financial Swindler Bernie Madoff, Return Its Madoff Money? - Patrick Cleburne 
25 March 2011 Hyping 'Hate' - Understanding the Incestuous Relationship between the Mass Media and the SPLC - Kevin Lamb 
24 March 2011 SPLC's MO: Audacter calumniare semper aliquid haeret (slander boldly, something always sticks) - John H Tanton 
23 March 2011 Targeting the Tea Parties - Wayne Lutton 
22 March 2011 The Southern Poverty Law Center - An Introduction - Peter B. Gemma 
17 March 2011 The Southern Poverty Law Center and the Department of Homeland Security - Tom DeWeese 
17 March 2011 Leader of American Border Patrol Smeared by SPLC hate group - AP 
SPLC smears of Spencer frighten lawmakers from talking to him
11 March 2011 Stop government funding of La Raza - American Thinker 
11 March 2011 Outrage! US Government Funding La Raza with Your Tax Dollars - Mike Piccione 
11 March 2011 Dees, Reid Join Forces Over FBI Spending to Monitor Hate Groups - 
Instead of monitoring muslim radicals or illegal alien criminals, SPLC steers the FBI to monitor groups that oppose Illegal Immigration or higher taxes.
10 March 2011 Can we trust the Southern Poverty and Law Center? - 
The short answer is NO. They are bold-faced liars and frauds.
10 March 2011 Two lawmakers call accusers radicals - 
Hideous Heidi Beirich calling OK Congressmen radicals...
9 March 2011 NPR CEO Vivian Schiller Shamed Into Quitting-SPLC's Mark Potok Next? - Alexander Hart 
8 March 2011 SPLC — Black “Hate Groups” Lead the Pack? - WTW rkeefe 
7 March 2011 CNN's 'Expert on Extremism': 'Radical Right' Bigger Threat Than jihadis - Matthew Balan 
Mark 'Goebbels' Potok still hyping the 'radical right' as the larger threat
7 March 2011 CNN's 'Expert on Extremism': 'Radical Right' Bigger Threat Than jihadis - Matthew Balan 
Mark 'Goebbels' Potok ..reprise
6 March 2011 Southern Poverty Law (Lie) Center: The Shame of America - Marti Oakley 
3 March 2011 Wild Growth in Extremist, Anti-Government Groups in America... Or Is There? - Warner Todd Huston 
A little healthy skepticism would go a LONG way...and with SPLC a LOT is needed!
3 March 2011 The Hateful 'Hate Group' Scam - Thomas DiLorenzo 
3 March 2011 Southern Poverty Law Center Ignores Muslim Anti-Gay Groups - BlazingCatFur blog 
2 March 2011 Southern Poverty Law Center Ignores Muslim Anti-Gay Groups - Alana Goodman, Commentary Magazine 
2 March 2011 Double standard? SPLC report labels socially conservative, Christian orgs as 'anti-gay' hate groups but not Muslim orgs - Alex Brown, Daily Caller 
1 March 2011 Southern Poverty Law Center Communist secretly loves Capitalism,you idiots have been duped! - Arizona Sentinel 
1 March 2011 Econ prof addresses allegations of hate-group affiliation, Loyola not conducting an investigation - 
"She's a liar," said DiLorenzo in response to [Heidi] Beirich's claim...
1 March 2011 Note from the Editor: SPLC smears of DiLorenzo likened to Joseph McCarthy - 
1 March 2011 The Distortions, Deceptions, and Ideological Agenda of the Nation's Foremost 'Watchdog of Hate' - National Policy Institute report 
The SPLC are leftist McCarthyites, but not as charming.
1 March 2011 Pam Geller On 'Hate Group' Label: 'A Badge of Honor' - TPMMuckraker 
28 February 2011 Southern Poverty Law Center: Professional 'Anti-hate' Group Goes to Bed with Reds - Cliff Kincaid 
SPLC now affiliated with CPUSA and its publication "People's World"
28 February 2011 Wild Growth in Extremist, Anti-Government Groups in America... Or Is There? - Warner Todd Huston 
28 February 2011 Smearing Patriots Like Pamela Geller Is Just Another Day At The Office At The Southern Poverty Law Center - Matthew Vadum 
27 February 2011 Granny Made the Southern Poverty Law Center's Hate List - Linda Hunnicutt 
27 February 2011 SPLC — The Biggest Lie Keeps Getting Bigger - WTW - rkeefe 
25 February 2011 Southern Poverty Law Center's Latest Rhetoric Against the Constitution, Activists and States Rights - Kevin Hayden 
25 February 2011 SPLC — Good Return on Investment? - WTW - rkeefe 
24 February 2011 What a 'Hate Group' Hates: A Counterintelligence Report - Thomas DiLorenzo, 
24 February 2011 SPLC — Recordbreaking Bloat - WTW - rkeefe 
24 February 2011 Southern Poverty Law Center needs to put up or shut up - Dave Gorak, MCRI 
15 February 2011 Hideous Heidi Beirich's Bullying Laid Bare -  Peter Brimelow
12 February 2011 The WatchDogs - Laird Wilcox 
A close look at Anti-Racist "Watchdog" Groups
11 February 2011 Another SPLC Drive-by Smear - Commentary by Steve Scroggins 
11 February 2011
Rep. Clay Smears Thomas DiLorenzo - YouTube
11 February 2011
My Associations with Liars, Bigots, and Murderers - Thomas DiLorenzo
7 February 2011
An Interview With Stewart Rhodes -
Rhodes is founder of OathKeepers whom the SPLC has designated as dangerous right-wingers 7 February 2011
SPLC - 2011- Forty Years of White Supremacy - Richard Keefe
6 February 2011
David Holthouse, admitted libeler on behalf of SPLC, works his fact-challenged "reportage" again - SSI
5 February 2011
SPLC - To make a Pile of Money -
4 February 2011
SPLC articles -
28 January 2011
Professional "Anti-hate" Group Goes to Bed with Reds - Cliff Kincaid, AIM
27 January 2011
Zombie Journalism - Steve Scroggins
27 January 2011
SPLC's Poverty of Ethics - Isabel Lyman
25 January 2011
SPLC's Mark Potok Inadvertently Reveals Agenda, Motive, Method - Peter Brimelow
21 January 2011
Left wing climate of hate and assassination -
SPLC fails to notice left wing hate... 21 January 2011
SPLC Apologizes To Lewy, Sparks Questions on Mass. Case -
SPLC busted for undocumented smears! 21 January 2011
SPLC Admits Defining 'Hate' Is Purely Subjective -
SPLC admits their "hate map" smears is all puffery, utter BS!! 21 January 2011
Vitriolic Vitrol on the Southern Poverty Law Center Website -
21 January 2011
SPLC's fearmongering and fundraising and fools' gold -
20 January 2011
If you're the Southern Poverty Law Center, the media will mistake your guesses for gold - Jesse Walker,
19 January 2011
Bad Crosshair Day -
SPLC hypocrisy on display! The Map of Hate "targets" hate... 19 January 2011
Civility Watch: Nazis and crosshairs and killers, oh my; Update: Democrat Rep. Cohen doubles down on Nazi/KKK smears -
14 January 2011
Sowing Confusion and Profiting from Tragedy - Peter Hebert -
SPLC and ADL are fear profiteers! 12 January 2011
L.A. Times: "Loughner's ramblings appear rooted in far right" - Matt Welch -
SPLC's Mark Potok and Chip Berlet called out for stupidity. 11 January 2011
Southern Poverty Law Center has liberal agenda - Jean Allen,
DHS and SPLC has close ties... 11 January 2011
Loughner's supremacists tie debunked - Ken Vogel
DHS, SPLC...pumping out hoax and speculation with FoxNews 10 January 2011
Outlaw that speech because it MIGHT be a threat... - Milo Nickels
WHAT SPEECH? The government would outlaw any criticism, and would prosecute only the enemies of whomever was currently in power. SPLC and the left only want to outlaw speech by the Right. 10 January 2011
The Tucson Shooting and the Left's Humanicide - Winston Smith
10 January 2011
SPLC's Potok Refers To David Icke As A Right Winger & Links Him To Giffords's Shooting - Goon Squad
10 January 2011
The Tucson Massacre Witch Hunt - Sally Zelikovsky
09 January 2011
How Dept. of Homeland Security identifies 'right wing extremists' -
Hint: The SPLC is involved. 09 January 2011
Obama Officials Use Fox News to Smear Conservative Group in Shootings - Cliff Kincaid
08 January 2011
The Southern PROFITEERING Law Center - Cable Game
08 January 2011
SPLC blames Ayn Rand, David Icke and Others for Arizona Shooting - Aaron Dykes -
06 January 2011
Top Ten Political Lies of 2010 -
The Hate Industry is a full-time lie-machine...but since 2010 was an election year... 04 January 2011
SPLC pays for smears defaming Mass. Professor -
SPLC hand slapped, they issue a "retraction-cum-apology" on their website and in presigious pubs  


31 Dec 2010
The Southern Poverty Law Center's Unintelligence Report - Pamela Geller - American Thinker
30 Dec 2010
Tea Party Nation Names DHS, NAACP Among 2010's 'Liberal Hate Groups' - TPM
SPLC is always in the Top Five 27 Dec 2010
The Power of Labeling - John Hayward
24 Dec 2010
Conservative Organizations Slam Law Center for Labeling Them 'Hate' Groups -
24 Dec 2010
Know Thine Enemy - Southern Poverty Law Center - Old Marine
21 Dec 2010
SPLC: Medical Science, Christianity Equal 'Hate' - Matt Barber
20 Dec 2010
Mainstream Media: The Southern Poverty Law Center's Partner in Slime -
19 Dec 2010
Start Debating | Stop Hating -
03 Dec 2010
SPLC Targets 18 "Anti-Gay" Pro-family Groups -
02 December 2010
Phony "Civil Rights" Group Dishes Out Hate for "Hate Groups" - Cliff Kincaid
30 November 2010
Does the Southern Poverty Law Center think Barack Obama is spreading hate? - Mark Hemingway -
/SPAN> 26 November 2010
Southern 'Poverty' Law Center's Cayman Islands bank account - MPetrelis -
Even DailyKos liberals and gay activists are noticing the wealth of the SPLC 13 October 2010
SPLC - The Quotable Mr. Potok - WTW - RKeefe
12 October 2010
The SPLC's "Hate Map" - The Biggest Lie - WTW - RKeefe
8 October 2010
It's Official: Southern Poverty Law Center Is Now Part of DHS - Stewart Rhodes - Oathkeepers
That's been obvious since April 2009 15 September 2010
SPLC - $190 MILLION is STILL not enough - WTW - RKeefe
19 August 2010
SPLC - The Bloated "Endowment Fund" - WTW - RKeefe
19 August 2010
SPLC - "Whites Only" 2010 - WTW - RKeefe
11 August 2010
SPLC - Where the Money Goes - WTW - RKeefe
8 August 2010
A Tale of Two Spin Doctors - WTW - RKeefe
4 August 2010
SPLC - More Damned Lies and Statistics - WTW - RKeefe
7 May 2010
Obama/Media vs. Arizona/America - Lloyd Marcus
30 April 2010
Hatred, Intolerance, Violence and the Southern Poverty Law Center -
28 April 2010
Arizona's 21-Bottle Salute - Brent Bozell
Arizona smeared as racist -- swastikas painted with refried beans 28 April 2010
How Mexico Treats Illegal Aliens - Michelle Malkin
Can you say HYPOCRISY? How bout double standard? 27 April 2010 Congressional Black Caucus exposed as Racist - Commentary by Jim Dean 
27 April 2010
Veterans group accuses church of stealing flags -
Intolerant church members desecrate veteran graves, deny honor to veterans 26 April 2010
Southern Poverty Law Center's 'Enemies List' a Fantasy - Robert Stacy McCain
25 April 2010
REDUX: The Church of Morris Dees - Federal Observer
24 April 2010
The SPLC's $30 million most wanted - COYO
24 April 2010
Damn Right I'm Angry, Mark Potok - Nairbs Corner
23 April 2010
The Hidden Agenda of the Southern Poverty Law Center - Rep. Tom Tancredo
23 April 2010
Letter to IRS Re Southern Poverty Law Center - Mitchell Langbert
23 April 2010
Southern Poverty Law Center: The Dangerous Ron Paul - Silverwolf
22 April 2010
"Are You On SPLC's 'Hit' List?" -
22 April 2010
Farah v. Morris Dees - Joseph Farah, WND
22 April 2010
Creating Lists Of Political Dissidents: Good Enough For The Nazis, Good Enough For the SPLC - Steve Watson
21 April 2010
Southern Poverty Law Center Publishes Patriot Hit List - Chuck Baldwin
20 April 2010
What's behind the anti-Tea Party hate narrative? -
SPLC are hysterical frauds 20 April 2010
New Tribe Rising? - Patrick J Buchanan
Tea Parties immune to the charge of racism because... 20 April 2010
Left-wing McCarthyism - Tom DeWeese
SPLC McCarthyites (meaning no disrespect to Joe) 20 April 2010
Congressman backs 'hate crimes' lawsuit - WND
18 April 2010
Leftwing extremist 'Southern Poverty Law Center' smears conservatives, patriots - Anthony G. Martin,
18 April 2010
Southern Poverty Law Center exposes the "Patriots" - PPR
How does SPLC do its Alinsky-style linkage and absurd reports and keep a straight face? 18 April 2010
Southern Poverty Law Center's Out Of Whack List Of Patriots. SPLC, Who Do You Serve? - OGAM
Answer: SPLC serves Mammon. 18 April 2010
Southern Poverty Law Center vs. Dr. Ron Paul and Judge Andrew Napolitano - Joshua Parrish, CFL
17 April 2010
Left-Wing McCarthyism - Thomas DeWeese, A4CGR
17 April 2010
Ron Paul vs. Southern Poverty Law Center or the KKK is Coming to Get You... -
16 April 2010
SPLC, Debate-Crushing Goons - Steve Scroggins
16 April 2010
Tea Party Pushes Limits Of Free Speech - sweetness on CNN
Comments on 'news' story by CNN: What Limits? Is it or is it not FREE speech? 16 April 2010
15 April 2010
Protect & Serve - The Oath Keepers have more in common with Henry David Thoreau than Timothy McVeigh - Jesse Walker,
Walker is editor of REASON Magazine 15 April 2010
Anti-Southern Prejudice, Swindling Hate-Baiters, And The Accusatory Media - truthexcavator
Good analysis. 15 April 2010
Hating the government finally goes mainstream - Chris Stirewalt,
Hate is mainstream? Hmm...the SPLC says the mainstream is hate. 15 April 2010
Holder: DOJ Will Combat Hate Groups, Pursue Human Rights Violators -
AG Eric Holder takes marching orders from SPLC 14 April 2010
The Southern Poverty Law Center Has Lost Its Way - Gary DeMar
14 April 2010
Vitriol approaching fever pitch as 2A march looms - Dave Workman
SPLC and leftists hate armed citizens 14 April 2010
Keith Olbermann's phony outrage mixes with Mark Potak's fear-mongering for a perfect storm of MSNBC propaganda - Andrew Steele
14 April 2010
Tea Parties vs. Hard-Left Protests - Brent Bozell
The SPLC and left media are selective in what they see as "hate" or even as 'violence' 14 April 2010
Alinsky's Avenging Angels: Tea Party Saboteurs - Michelle Malkin
Classic character assassins in the SPLC tradition! 13 April 2010
SPLC Poverty Palace - NRO
12 April 2010
Morris Dees: A Life Fighting Poverty - Ken Silverstein, Harpers
Slideshow tour of the Dees home in Montgomery 12 April 2010
The left-wing propaganda machine - Lynn Stuter, CFP
SPLC a leftwing hate group 12 April 2010
Newsweek Trots Out Discredited SPLC Lawyer Mark Potok to Decry 'Patriot' Groups - Lachlan Markay,
12 April 2010
Who is a more reliable site, FAIR or SPLC? - epicmind
11 April 2010
Open Letter to the Southern Poverty Law Center - Mitchell Langbert
Former donor sees the light... 11 April 2010
Roland Martin Says 'Confederates and Al-Qaida Are The Same: Terrorists' - Noel Shepherd,
10 April 2010
Chris Matthews Race Baits Pat Buchanan Over Confederate History - Kurt Nimmo
10 April 2010
When did 'anti-government' become a bad thing? - J.D. Tuccille,
10 April 2010
I had no idea I was so damned powerful! Thank you Talking Points Memo - Marti Oakley
10 April 2010
Does Heidi Beirich Spread Hate as her job at Southern Poverty Law Center? - Gary Franchi,
Video 9 April 2010
The New Intolerance - Patrick Buchanan
SCV member Buchanan exposes a true voice of hate, CNN's Roland Martin 8 April 2010
The People You're Allowed to Hate - Patrick Buchanan
7 April 2010
The Face of Hate - Matt Barber
The SPLC is the real "face of hate"... 7 April 2010
One Day Soon, We'll All Be "Homegrown Terrorists" - Giordano Bruno
6 April 2010
Tolerance Mafia - Who watches the hate watchers? - W James Antle, III,
6 April 2010
The Southern Poverty Law Center Shakedown - western confucian
6 April 2010
Anti-Southern Prejudice, Swindling Hate-Baiters, And The Accusatory Media - truth excavator
5 April 2010
The Wall of Hate - Mike Adams
Adams is always good for a chuckle. We've seen the Wall of Hate before... 5 April 2010
Authorities investigate vandalism at Confederate cemeteries -
5 April 2010
MSNBC to Run McVeigh Propaganda Myth on Anniversary of OK City Bombing - Kurt Nimmo
5 April 2010
Is Frank Rich the Only Non-Racist Left in America? - Michael C. Moynihan,
4 April 2010
White & guilty: 'Whiteness' workshop helps expose your inner racist -
3 April 2010
Why is the Southern Poverty Law Center picking on Oklahoma's "Patriot" Activists? - Kaye Beach
2 April 2010
NPR Promotes Left-Wing Theory of 'Astounding Growth' of Militias and Connects Them to Tea Party, Talk Hosts - Tim Graham,
2 April 2010
At Least One Arrested Militiaman a Registered Democrat - Lachlan Markay,
2 April 2010
Patriot Groups on Rise in Georgia - GPB
SPLC's Mark Potok says there's 200 percent more patriots in Georgia...Oh my!! What a crock!! Haw haw... 2 April 2010
'Militia' Used as Manipulation - Timothy Baldwin
SPLC scare tactics... 1 April 2010
Media Jump to Smear Right With Extremist Label - William F. Jasper, NewAmerican
1 April 2010
Far left "intellectual": Tea Parties, Violence and the Oklahoma City Bombing, It all started with President Reagan and his small government beliefs... - IUSBVision
1 April 2010
The Times Militia Reporting Promotes Favorite Lefties at Southern Poverty Law Center - Clay Waters, Times Watch
1 April 2010
What About the Secular Militia? - Dave Daubenmire, NWV
SPLC a branch of the 'secular militia' 1 April 2010
Embedded Black Says Tea Parties Not Racist - Lloyd Marcus
1 April 2010
Bad Free Press reporting on the Hutaree story - Ed Brayton, Michigan Messenger
SPLC gives distortion and disinformation to ALL journalists... 1 April 2010
Reports of Hutaree militia in Utah appear overblown - Nate Carlisle, Salt Lake Tribune
Duh! ALL SPLC reports are "overblown"... 31 March 2010
Media's Favorite Extremist Watchdog Silent on Leftwing Extremism - Candace Moore,
The SPLC approves of Leftwing hate and extremism... 31 March 2010
Southern Poverty Law Center: The greatest threat to the US today - Marti Oakley, PPJ Gazette
31 March 2010
Potok endorses DHS report - TAH
You remember the DHS 'Rightwing Extremism' Report from April 2009 31 March 2010
NPR's 48-Hour Rule on Mark Potok - VDARE
Would be funny if it weren't true. 31 March 2010
Immigration and the SPLC: How the Southern Poverty Law Center Invented a Smear, Served La Raza, Manipulated the Press, and Duped its Donors - NWA
31 March 2010
Panel Transcript: Immigration and the SPLC - CIS
31 March 2010
SPLC Smears Indiana Anti-ILLEGAL Immigration Group -
31 March 2010
The Racism Smear - Mark Davis,
Frank Rich of the NYTimes smears tea parties 30 March 2010
McCarthy rises from the dead: The Southern Poverty Law Center is the new face of McCarthyism - Marti Oakley,
30 March 2010
The Real Anti-Americans - Patrick Buchanan
30 March 2010
How the Left Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the FBI - Antony Gregory, Beacon
The SPLC loves DHS and the FBI...loves to use them as a tool with which to harass opponents. 30 March 2010
My Take on Militias - Craig Roberts,
Morris Dees is a con man! 30 March 2010
Must Read Report: Immigration And The SPLC From The Center For Immigration Studies - digger
30 March 2010
SPLC Takes 'Hate Group' Definition Too Far - AFTAH
29 March 2010
Southern Poverty Law Center ( SPLC ) and The John Birch Society -
29 March 2010
The SPLC and the Judy Miller Problem at the NYT - Jerry Kammer
28 March 2010
Immigration and the Southern Poverty Law Center Smear Campaign - Jerry Kammer,
28 March 2010
Liberal reality is fabricated perception: NPR, the Southern Poverty Law Center and the infrastructure of an alternate, fact-filtered universe - Karen Northon
29 March 2010
SPLC and The John Birch Society - Bill Hahn,
28 March 2010
AFTAH's LaBarbera Challenges SPLC's Potok to a 'Debate on Hate,' Asks to Reverse 'Hate' Designation -
SPLC doesn't like debate; their smears are designed to SHUT DOWN debate. 28 March 2010
Thoughts On My 40th Anniversary About Attempts To Smear NumbersUSA With Hate & Racism Labels - Roy Beck
28 March 2010
Radio: That not-so Fresh Air - 3rd Estate Sunday Review
interview with "noted weido Mark Potok"... 27 March 2010
Anti-Hate Group Finds Yet Another Group It Hates - David Kramer
27 March 2010
SPLC — “Ding! Dong! The Klan is Dead!!” - WTW - rkeefe
26 March 2010
NPR's Terry Gross Plays Softball with the SPLC - Jerry Kammer
26 March 2010
SPLC Fritters Away Last Traces of Credibility -
26 March 2010
How the Left Fakes the Hate: A Primer - Michelle Malkin
26 March 2010
Do They Wear White Hoods to Their Tea Parties? - David Franke
25 March 2010
Southern Poverty Law Center Officially Declared "Left-Wing Hate Group" - Matt Barber
Also on RenewAmerica 24 March 2010
Anatomy of a Racial Smear - Jack Cashill
23 March 2010
Immigration and the SPLC: How the Southern Poverty Law Center Invented a Smear, Served La Raza, Manipulated the Press, and Duped its Donors - Jerry Kammer, CIS
23 March 2010
"Hate," Immigration, and the Southern Poverty Law Center - Ken Silverstein, Harpers
See other Silverstein SPLC items: 11/2/07,
3/02/07, 11/1/2000
22 March 2010
Southern smear - Pittsburgh Tribune
SPLC smears need to be exposed! 21 March 2010
SPLC Media Manipulation: "NPR: 'Patriots' Are Dangerous to Our Government" - WtW
21 March 2010
Pittsburgh Activist Group Targeted By S.P.L.C. Calls Report "Defamatory Propaganda", Plans Public Demonstration and Information Session - pp
19 March 2010
Note to Media Matters: The Journalists Exposing SPLC Hypocrisy Are Liberals (Me Too!) - Jerry Kammer
19 March 2010
Report: How Southern Poverty Law Center Smeared Immigration Group - Robert Stacy McCain
19 March 2010
Exposing the Southern Poverty Law Center. Now It's Personal! - Debbie Morgan
19 March 2010
The Southern Poverty Law Center Smears Again - Republican Heretic
18 March 2010
CIS points out race-baiting tactics used by La Raza - Kimberly Dvorak
SPLC is in tight with La Raza 18 March 2010
NPR: 'Patriots' Are Dangerous to Our Government - WT Huston
17 March 2010
John Tanton replies to SPLC smears and trick questionnaire -
17 March 2010
SPLC Caught On Tape Repeating Lies About Alex Jones and Cop Killer Poplawski - Kurt Nimmo
17 March 2010
Will Sunday's Amnesty March Backfire? - Donald A Collins
16 March 2010
The Hate Industry - Elizabeth Wright
16 March 2010
Gallery of Scumbags: Stephen L. Goldstein and Southern Poverty Law Center -
16 March 2010
Shameful Anti-Free Speech Lobby Labels Questioning Government "Hate" - Paul Joseph Watson
16 March 2010
Report: Beware Of "Patriots" -
15 March 2010
Meet one of SPLC's "Right Wing Hate Groups"... - TAH
Mature language 14 March 2010
Not all school violence is created equal - Goss Magazine
SPLC smears designed to squash debate. 12 March 2010
Stopping hate is really about stopping debate! - CIS
SPLC smears designed to squash debate. 12 March 2010
Southern Poverty Law Center Takes Aim at Camp FEMA & Others - Debbie Morgan
WHY is SPLC so interested in FEMA theories? What does it have to do with hate groups? 9 March 2010
Mark Potok and the anatomy of a smear - TAH
8 March 2010
The Southern Poverty Law Center, again - Elizabeth Wright
8 March 2010
What a load of Horse Manure - Steve Hilton
An apt description of the average SPLC pronouncement or report... 8 March 2010
Southern Poverty Law Center - Just Another Hate Group - Frank Miele
8 March 2010
Southern Poverty Law Center propoganda treated like news again - Steve McGough
Again? 7 March 2010
Southern Poverty Law Center exposed - Morris Dees and hate crimes -
Another compilation of SPLC history and criticism, mostly from Social Contract Press 6 March 2010
SPLC's Mark Potok: "A Minister Of Misinformation" - YouTube
Mark Potok: A scaremongering fraud... 6 March 2010
Christian Science Monitor: Pentagon Shooter 'Appears' to Have Been a 'Right-wing Extremist' - NewsBusters
SPLC parrots fail (again) to check facts; SPLC (again) spews distorted propaganda. 6 March 2010
Bedell a Libertarian "Terrorist" Soros Linked Blog Claims - Kurt Nimmo
SPLC & left desparate to discredit patriots. 5 March 2010
Talk about glass houses! - Joseph Farah, WND
The SPLC hates you! 5 March 2010
SPLC Southern Poverty Lie Center Is A Divisive Propaganda Tool - OperationPitchfork
The SPLC are tools in every sense! 5 March 2010
The Southern Poverty Law Center bunches in WeAreChange with "Hate" groups - WeAreChange
Welcome to the party, WAC! If you stand for truth, the SPLC hates you. 4 March 2010
It Must Be Pledge Week at the Southern Poverty Law Center - Paul Magel
Mr. Magel, EVERY week is pledge week at SPLC... 4 March 2010
Bitch Slapping Morris Dees - bitsblog
4 March 2010
Is the Southern Poverty Law Center Terrorizing Decent American Patriots? - JB Williams
4 March 2010
NAACP Image Award Reaches New Low - Lloyd Marcus
Van Jones, communist greener


4 March 2010
From Mark Potok to James Branum in two (TWO??!?) easy steps - TAH
3 March 2010
Southern Poverty Law Center Tries To 'Alinsky' The Tea Party Movement - Liz Blaine
3 March 2010
SPLC's Interesting Ideas of "Right Wing Hate" - Confederate Yankee
3 March 2010
Southern Poverty Law Center Brands Tea Partiers as Seditious - Dan Collins
3 March 2010
SPLC Report: Heavy On Smear, Thin On Facts - Paul Joseph Watson
3 March 2010
Hate-mongering, gun brandishing, racists: the Patriot movement - Mad Conservative
Welcome to the Real World, MC, ...the SPLC has ALWAYS been about raising MONEY! 3 March 2010
Southern Poverty Law Center report "Rage on the Right" attackes CPAC, Tea Parties, others - YidWithLid
2 March 2010
Scathing report: Tea partiers just like Timothy McVeigh - Bob Unruh, WND
...according to the SPLC. 2 March 2010
How SPLC Hypes the Hate - Stacy McCain
How to pump up the's a SCAM. Duh! 2 March 2010
MSNBC Continues Propaganda Campaign Against Patriot Groups - Kurt Nimmo
1 March 2010
Frank Rich: Guilt by Free Association -
Frank Rich, the New York Times and SPLC have a lot in common... 27 Febuary 2010
Ultra-Leftwing Southern Poverty Law Center Wants to Interview Vanderboegh and Gets the Smack-down - Liberty Sphere
Smackdown indeed! 26 Febuary 2010
Tyrants, Torturers, and Taxmen: Pillars of 'Civilization' - William Norman Grigg, LRC
Joseph Andrew Stack affair demonstrates SPLC hypocrisy and lies...


26 Febuary 2010
Atlanta's black community engages in open virulent bigotry against white people after dance competition - CoCC
25 Febuary 2010
Southern Poverty Law Center picks and chooses tragedies - Rick Spyker, Montgomery Advertiser
22 Febuary 2010
Academic 'left' opposes free speech, academic freedom - Kevin MacDonald
21 Febuary 2010
The IRS plane bomber: A left-wing nut - PittTrib
20 Febuary 2010
Joseph Stack: Disillusioned Leftist, Not "Racist Right-wing Teabagger" - neawrealblog
10 Febuary 2010
SPLC -- A Whiter Shade of Hypocrisy - Richard Keefe
6 Febuary 2010
Southern Poverty Law Center Attacks 2nd Amendment & Gun Owners as 'Haters' - OneOldVet
6 Febuary 2010
MIAC Report Supporter and Missouri Gov. Nixon to Sit On Obama's Council of Governors - Kurt Nimmo
Remember the story of SPLC and DHS smearing American veterans, and others they called "right-wingers"?? 31 January 2010
Southern Poverty Law Center Has Become A Danger To America!: Fronts For National Socialism. - Islam Training Jihad Military Groups On U.S. Soil! - PVC
29 January 2010
Is the Southern Poverty Law Center a very bigoted and racist organization working only for money? -
Good question...see how various folks respond. 22 January 2010
SPLC - Damned Lies and Statistics - Part 2 - rkeefe, WTW
For the's all about the money. 21 January 2010
The Shocking Truth: SPLC, An American Abomination? - Mike Crane,
21 January 2010
Okay, we get it already. WE ARE RACISTS and TERRORISTS for disagreeing - DMC
18 January 2010
SPLC Watch -
17 January 2010
SPLC Lies Get Salon Magazine and Mike Madden In Hot Water - ALIPAC
17 January 2010
A Black-on-Black Discussion of Black Racism - Lloyd Marcus
17 January 2010
Chris Matthews Perpetuates Hatred for the Tea Party Movement - William Owens, NWV
14 January 2010
Muslims in America: Nature's way of saying multiculturalism is a bad idea - Frosty Wooldridge, NWV
14 January 2010
A Response to Amy Mehta's Call to Strip the 'Mask' - Jerry Kammer
La Raza and their ally in hate, the SPLC 13 January 2010
Playing Race-Card 'Gotcha' - Jonah Goldberg
12 January 2010
Michael Savage Attacks Erroll Southers and The Southern Poverty Law Center -
12 January 2010
Now, this is just stupid - Gregory Ledet
Racism everywhere... 12 January 2010
A Lott of Memories - Countenance blog
"SPLC, Dees personal cash cow, part of the 'Paranoia Industrial Complex'..." 12 January 2010
Your Negro, My Macaca - Mona Charen, TH
11 January 2010
Muslims in 21st Century America: Mosques as Territorial Markers - Frosty Wooldridge, NWV
9 January 2010
Scuffle over confederate flag leads to arrest of Lely High student -
Thug demonstrates intolerance and bigotry, assaults high school student. Hate Crime! 9 January 2010
Kidd letter to Assemblyman Roger Neillo -
Morris Dees and SPLC get special mention... 8 January 2010
Defending N.B. Forrest - TAH
8 January 2010
USA Military Coup De Tat [sic] 2012 -
"The Southern Poverty Law Center issues hysterical press releases about Nazis everywhere." 8 January 2010
Multiculturalism Will Bring Us Our Next 9-11 - Nachum Shifren
5 January 2010
CNN Propaganda Segment on Oath Keepers Demonizes Fall of the Republic -
4 January 2010
Civil rights hero caught in corruption probe to begin serving sentence - CNN
Guilt by Association anyone? Dees' good pal goes to jail; can we draw conclusions?  


30 December 2009
ALG Blasts Missouri Information Analysis Center For Retaining No Records of Erroneous MIAC 'Modern Militia Movement' Report - AFL
28 December 2009
Salyer v. Southern Poverty Law Center, Inc. - CMLP
27 December 2009
Is Criticism of Israel Anti-Semitic? - Ted Pike, NWV
25 December 2009
Leftist Hate Watch
25 December 2009
Merry Christmas To All - Princess Isaidso
SPLC makes #1 on Unwanted extremists' list... 24 December 2009
Black Conservatives Expose "Hate Group" Scam - Thomas DiLorenzo, LRC
23 December 2009
Arthur Kemp: "Southern Poverty Law Center" is a SCAM - Michael Santomauro,
21 December 2009
Exposing the charlatans at the Southern Poverty Law Center - Elizabeth Wright
21 December 2009
Muslims in 21st Century America: Muslim Mafia Operates With Impunity - Frosty Wooldridge
20 December 2009
No ADL, No Hate Crime Law - Rev. Ted Pike
20 December 2009
Home Grown Terror - Rabbi Nachum Shifren
18 December 2009
Morris Dees and the SPLC - - Moral Guardians of Our Time -
Another Dees fan club...dishes the dirt 18 December 2009
Reductio ad Racism: Godwin's Law and the 10th Amendment - Josh Eboch
18 December 2009
Homeland Security: Everyone's a Threat -
SPLC: Alien Rightwingers are everywhere!! SPLC advises DHS on what to do... 18 December 2009
Going AWOL in the war on Christmas - Mickey McLean,
See SPLC discussion at bottom... 17 December 2009
Muslims in America: What you don't know will kill American Culture - Frosty Wooldridge
16 December 2009
Feds: Probe of Nation of Islam violated rules -
It's OK to smear all US veterans & gather intel, but not the Nation of Islam... 16 December 2009
Demonization, Inc. - Stacy McCain
16 December 2009
SPLC - Send Millionaire Mo money for his birthday - WTW
14 December 2009
SPLC - "Bah! Humbug!" - WTW
11 December 2009
NPR and FOX: The Pot Calls the Kettle Black - Stephen Steinlight, CIS
SPLC key source of propaganda... 10 December 2009
A response from FAIR - Dan Stein, Anchorage Press
9 December 2009
Science czar's guru backed eugenics -
9 December 2009
The Depths Of Demcare Demagoguery - Michelle Malkin
6 December 2009
Ex-ADL Leader Blasts ADL/Foxman - Ted Pike, NWV
5 December 2009
What many are thinking about Al Sharpton - Nachum Shifren, NWV
5 December 2009
Mark Potok Drunk? - YouTube
This 'splains a lot... 5 December 2009
Obama Nation File: Southern Poverty Law Center Becomes Mouth Piece Of White House; Ignore Leftist Promotions Of Extremist Views - AgainstCommies
4 December 2009
SPLC - Selective Outrage - Part 2 - WatchingWatchdogs
4 December 2009
The War On Cops - Michelle Malkin
Hey, SPLC, what about the leftists who hate cops? 4 December 2009
Demonizing Those Against Illegal Immigration -
3 December 2009
Climategate is the symptom, not the disease - Jim Dean, GHC
Climate Fraud purveyors using SPLC smear attack 'climate change deniers' 3 December 2009
SPLC: Cynthia McKinney cozying up to Holocaust deniers - Salon
McKinney is so wacky that SPLC has to smear her. 1 December 2009
Prefabricated Fascists: The FBI's Assembly-Line Provocateurs - William N. Grigg
30 November 2009
Call the Southern Poverty Law Center and give em' hell! - LibertyDog, YouTube
Video 30 November 2009
Muslims in 21st Century America: What Our Citizens Say - Frosty Wooldridge, NWV
30 November 2009
The ADL vs. Faith and Freedom - Nachum Shifren, NWV
28 November 2009
Where the Real Fear Is - Rich Tucker, TH
25 November 2009
Ft. Hood Just Another Jihadist Attack - Allen West
24 November 2009
AP Replays Napolitano's 'Right-Wing Terror' Threat, Potential 'Perfect Storm' of Violence - Tim Graham
The militias are coming! The militias are coming! 24 November 2009
Are Millions of Anti-Obama Protestors "Conspirators?" - Rev. Ted Pike, NWV
Who's really paranoid? "The Right"? or the SPLC & ADL? 24 November 2009
New Black Panther Party set to march in Henderson next month -
Black Hate Groups are OK! 24 November 2009
Jihad the Core of Islam - Frosty Wooldridge
24 November 2009
Number of hate crimes up slightly in US: FBI - AFP
Slightly? How can that be? SPLC says that dozens of new hate groups and militias are sprouting everywhere! Right Wing Extremism must not involve hate? 23 November 2009
ADL Joins the Official Effort Against "Anti-Government Extremism" - Steven Yates
SPLC & ADL on the job! 21 November 2009
Shock: SNL Takes On Obama in Earnest **Video Fixed** - bighollywood
Will SPLC add NBC and SNL to their list of hate groups? Nah. Not as long as they offer no real solutions. 20 November 2009
Questions Regarding The Fort Hood Massacre - Chuck Baldwin, NWV
What would SPLC say if Hasan had shouted "Jesus is Great!" before shooting? 20 November 2009
Cynthia McKinney Preaches Hate and Silences Opposition at Binghamton - vocalminority
19 November 2009
Shockley Vindicated - Sam G. Dickson,
18 November 2009
SPLC takes a "fascist" approach, says Fox's Bill O'Reilly -
18 November 2009
Treason Lobby Triumphant As Dobbs Goes Down-Internet Matters More Than Ever! - Brenda Walker,
18 November 2009
The Washington Times' Confederate (fifth) columnist - ISS
SPLC smears Pruden and Robert Stacy McCain in one column...ISS is Institute for Smearing Southerners 18 November 2009
Rep. King to hold jobs forum featuring controversial immigration groups -
They are "controversial" only because SPLC smears them as 'hate groups'. 18 November 2009
CNN Propaganda Segment on Oath Keepers Demonizes Fall of the Republic - Kurt Nimmo
Mark Potok is propaganda minister for SPLC. 18 November 2009
When You've Lost Commentary... - Jack Ross
ADL and SPLC are both ridiculous scams, mercenary smear assassins. 17 November 2009
Lou Dobbs Won Big -
"SPLC is a discredited scam that accuses everyone it dislikes of 'hate.'" 17 November 2009
SPLC appeals for mercy for heinous serial killer -
SPLC takes brief respite from fundraising, smears to defend killers. 16 November 2009
What did SPLC teach Oregon police? - David Codrea,
16 November 2009
How to Reply to the Southern Poverty Law Center (If You Must) - Robert Stacy McCain
16 November 2009
Militia Stories - ConfederateYankee
SPLC scaremongering analyzed... 16 November 2009
Cramer v. Cramer - Mike Adams, TH
16 November 2009
Putting Heat On ICE - Christian Nolan,
SPLC traitors sue federal government for enforcing the law... 16 November 2009
CNN Again Touts Apparent Rise in Militia Activity - Matthew Balan,
CNN spewing the SPLC party line... 14 November 2009
Janet Napolitano's Comprehensive Immigration Reform - Michael Cutler, NWV
14 November 2009
The Left's War on Conservative Commentators: the Screwing of Lou Dobbs - Saberpoint
13 November 2009
Confederate Monument vandalism reward offered -
Hate crime in Augusta...where is SPLC? 13 November 2009
ADL and Holder Team Up to Fight "Hate Crimes" - Kurt Nimmo
13 November 2009
CNN's War on Lou Dobbs - Allie Duzett
SPLC specializes in smear torpedoes! 13 November 2009
Napolitano Urges Swift Action on Immigration Reform - Mickey McCarter,
Uh oh...Napolitano may get DHS on SPLC's Hate Group list...we're skeptical of the 'reform' DHS would offer. 13 November 2009
ICE: System flags 111,000 'criminal aliens' -

13 November 2009
Database program nets arrests of 22,000 illegal immigrants with criminal records -
13 November 2009
Mark Potok of SPLC, NCLR, America's Voice, MMFA cheer & smear over Dobbs leaving -
13 November 2009
Lou Dobbs To Host Immigration Reality Show - CAPnews
Satire alert! 12 November 2009
U.S. Identifies 111,000 Immigrants With Criminal Records - NYTimes
12 November 2009
E. Pluribus Diversity? - Cal Thomas, TH
12 November 2009
Thought Police Drive Lou Dobbs Off CNN - Kurt Nimmo
12 November 2009
Muslims in 21st Century America: Racial-Religious Chasm - Frosty Wooldridge, NWV
11 November 2009
Enemy Among Us - Geoff Metcalfe, NWV
Ft. Hood violence demonstrates Political Correctness run amok. 11 November 2009
Blind Diversity Equals Death - Michelle Malkin, TH
Ft. Hood violence demonstrates Political Correctness run amok. 11 November 2009
Lou Dobbs Says He's Leaving CNN Immediately -
9 November 2009
Muslims in 21st Century America: Violent Clashing Cultures - Frosty Wooldridge, NWV
8 November 2009
Downtown Confederate monument defaced with anti-white messages -
Where is the SPLC? Are the 'Cracker Killers' on the Hate Group list? 6 November 2009
Questions about Fort Hood shooter you won't hear from 'mainstream' press - David Codrea,
5 November 2009
Mark Potok Concedes Oath Keepers is Not a White Supremacist Group or Militia - hardball,
5 November 2009
Confederate Flag Banned Again (Homestead Vets Day Parade) -
VFW caves to PC and hatefilled NAACP; dishonors American Veterans by banning SCV from parade 3 November 2009
Anti-Defamation League defames by innuendo - David Codrea,
3 November 2009
Controversial New Video of Obama's Pastor - Cliff Kincaid, NWV
3 November 2009
Why is Mark Potok so racist? - yahoo
Freud couldn't figure this one out... 2 November 2009
New hate crimes law is a mistake - Star Parker, TH
2 November 2009
Blood On Their Hands - William N Grigg
1 November 2009
Leftist Intolerance--2009 - William Flax
1 November 2009
Saturday Night Card Game (Southern Poverty Law Center) - William A. Jacobson
Well said, Mr. Jaconbson. 1 November 2009
Anti-illegal immigration group draws controversy -
SPLC attacks and smears everyone who is against illegal immigration. 1 November 2009
Oath Keepers again - Preserve The Republic
SPLC the 'intimidators' for Team Obama? 1 November 2009
An Opportunity for the Oath Keepers: End the Occupation - William Norman Grigg
SPLC smears the Oathkeepers. 31 October 2009
Lou Dobbs takes flak from many directions. He fires back too. - ChristianScienceMonitor
Hate Groups, the SPLC and LaRaza, call for Dobbs to be fired. 30 October 2009
Are race groups behind Dobbs' shooting? - Andy Arnold,
Hate Group SPLC and others ARE responsible for expressions of hate? We note their deafening silence about the attack on Dobbs. 29 October 2009
SPLC - Never-ending Threat$ - WtW
29 October 2009
CNN's Lou Dobbs: Shot fired into my home - WND
This violence is caused by all the HATE SPEECH coming from the SPLC! 29 October 2009
Here's Some Real Hate Speech for You - Mark Krikorian, NationalReview
29 October 2009
Anti-Defamation League calls Jim Rizoli Holocaust denier -
ADL: "Your free speech is hate!" 29 October 2009
How hate-crime law works - Jack Cashill, WND
SPLC is licking their chops... 28 October 2009
Obama signs 'hate-crimes' bill into law - WND
28 October 2009
Is this the New Face of White Supremacism? Southern Poverty Law Center thinks so - libertarianRepublican
Carol Swain...the new face of White Supremacy. SPLC is a laughing stock! 28 October 2009
Civil Disobedience Is Not Terrorism - Jesse Walker,
SPLC smears Oath Keepers and others... 28 October 2009
Libelous Leftist Lynch Mobs - Thomas DiLorenzo
28 October 2009
Hate, Hate Everywhere - Mark Krikorian
SPLC is the real hate. 27 October 2009
The Hate Industry - Elizabeth Wright
27 October 2009
Obama Will Sign Hate Crimes Bill Wednesday - Ted Pike, NPN
26 October 2009
In Defense of Carol Swain - James Taranto, WSJ
SPLC smears black scholar (Swain) as apologist for white an effort to shut down debate. 26 October 2009
"Dirty Money" and the SPLC - WtW
SPLC takes stolen Madoff loot as well as KKK money. 26 October 2009
Memo to Obama: Capitalism Trumps Racism - Mary Therough, beacon
26 October 2009
Madoff Associate Picower Dies - Matthew Vadum,
Picower gave $2.9M to SPLC -- SPLC gains from Madoff scams! 25 October 2009
READY TO DEFEND: Oath Keepers speak out at inaugural conference -
25 October 2009
Damaging Disclosures in Van Jones Scandal - Cliff Kincaid, NWV
24 October 2009
Learn to listen to voice of dissent with respect - Carol Swain,
The SPLC's bold attack on free speech... 24 October 2009
Southern Poverty Law Center hates Oath Keepers - leftisthatewatch
23 October 2009
Racism, prejudice, intolerance: as American as apple pie - Frosty Wooldridge,
23 October 2009
Oath Keepers: Patriotic Defenders of the Republic? - Joe Wolverton,II ,
To the SPLC, patriotism is something hateful and dangerous. 23 October 2009
End the Occupation: A Mission for the Oath-Keepers - William N. Grigg
SPLC described as 'for-profit Stasi'... 23 October 2009
Hate Crime Bill Is A Trojan Horse Against Free Speech -
23 October 2009
Hate Crimes Bill Approved By Congress, Extends Protection To Gays - HuffPost
GOP support given cover; Hate Crime bill attached to 'must-have' defense bill. 23 October 2009
Matthews, SPLC Propaganda Minister Gang Up On Oath Keepers - Kurt Nimmo,
23 October 2009
Is "Being Offended" the New National Sport? - Karen DeCoster,
22 October 2009
Never Trust a Government Conviction - Anthony Gregory,
Seven pleaded guilty to a fake hate crime? 21 October 2009
Beware the Politicized "Hate Group" Designations by the Southern Poverty Law Center -
See also 21 October 2009
Sheriff Joe Arpaio: I'm Not Going to Stop Arresting Illegals -
21 October 2009
Rush to Slander: Who are the Real Racists? - Frank Turek, TH
Racists are everywhere! 21 October 2009
West Virginia woman says she lied about torture by whites - AP
Fake hate crime? Prosecutor says no railroading... 20 October 2009
Alienated & Radicalized - Patrick J Buchanan, TH
WHY do Americans distrust government? They must be racists! 20 October 2009
Media discovering Oath Keepers: part two - David Codrea,
OathKeepers smeared by SPLC... 20 October 2009
Media discovering Oath Keepers: part one - David Codrea,
OathKeepers smeared by SPLC... 20 October 2009
Rush Limbaugh and the Race Hustle - Jonathan Bean,
20 October 2009
Traditional Americans are losing their nation - Patrick J Buchanan, WND
19 October 2009 Maoist in the White House - George Reisman, 
It's OK to endorse a communist who murdered 70 million Chinese, but not to endorse Strom Thurmond as Trent Lott did.
19 October 2009 Purveyor of exaggerated claims about racism denies that there are exaggerated claims about racism - dissectingleftism 
18 October 2009 Attorney General Holder speaks at the Anti-Defamation League's 2009 American Heritage Dinner - 
Holder hobnobs with ADL, regurgitates SPLC propaganda
18 October 2009 Secret Service strained as leaders face more threats - 
SS now part of DHS, SPLC diverts counterintel and protection services with their witch hunts
18 October 2009 Oath Keepers pledges to prevent dictatorship in United States - 
Potok/SPLC smears Oathkeepers as racist/militia paranoiacs
18 October 2009 Conflicted SPLC - TAH 
17 October 2009 Vanderbilt professor slammed for backing film that calls racism a myth - 
Swain's response posted Oct. 13th
17 October 2009 SPLC vs Vanderbilt black woman professor - kennysideshow 
17 October 2009 SPLC's Mark Potok, Janet Napolitano & Paul Kurtz spreading poisonous lies in Europe - OKLawyer 
16 October 2009 Libertarian Republican: FBI's Holder now has the Power to determine any Rightwingers a "Hate Group" - Denise Clark 
SPLC will tell AG and DoJ who the Hate Groups are.
16 October 2009 Bill Otto Says He Will Repost Anti-Obama "RedNeck Rap" Video - HuffPost 
SPLC says video is is anyone who likes the video.
16 October 2009 Arpaio cites non-existent law in crime-sweep argument - 
Sheriff defends his right to enforce local and immigration law with or without federal approval -- SPLC calls him a racist.
16 October 2009 FAIR Exposes Unscrupulous Tactics of the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) - 
15 October 2009 John Brown's 150 Years of Martyrdom - Steve Scroggins, GHC 
15 October 2009 Craig Bodeker Refutes the SPLC - Craig Bodeker, TOQ 
Bodeker responds to SPLC smears...
15 October 2009 Racists and Sexists at Loyola University New Orleans and of Loyola University in Maryland, Beware - Walter Block, 
The Attempt to Silence Walter Block - Tom DiLorenzo 3/23/09
14 October 2009 CAIR spent $160,000 to silence Savage - Art Moore, WND 
Council on American-Islamic Relations anti-Muslim bigotry. WHERE is SPLC?
13 October 2009 Guilt by Association: The Southern Poverty Law Center Hurls a Punch - Carol Swain, HuffPost 
13 October 2009 The SPLC's "Hate Map" - The Biggest Lie - WTW 
13 October 2009 White House strips immigration policing powers from Arizona sheriff - 
By SPLC & DHS standards, the Sheriff is a racist, therefore Political Correctness trumps citizen protection
12 October 2009 Extreme Irony Alert! (Or, Springtime for Potok and Irony) - American Spectator 
12 October 2009 Robert S. McCain Spanks Mark Potok - Saberpoint 
11 October 2009 Most National Christian Leaders Declare War on Unemployed in Their Pews -- and on the street - NumbersUSA 
9 October 2009 National Association of Evangelicals Supports Immigration Reform, But Elsewhere Discord Reigns - Donna Schaper 
SPLC smears religious leaders as racist nativists...while writer worries about being mean spirited...
8 October 2009 'Retract, Please': Letter to the Editor of the Charleston (W. Va.) Gazette - Robert Stacy McCain 
SPLC smears R.S. McCain as 'white supremacist'...
8 October 2009 Disestablishment of Religion - Dave Daubenmire, NWV 
SPLC teams with ACLU and NEA to bully religion...
8 October 2009 Obama's Well Organized Community Is Falling Apart - JB Williams, Canada Free Press 
SPLC part of the Obama community...
7 October 2009 DHS Video Portrays Average Americans As Terrorists - Paul Joseph Watson 
SPLC and DHS smears Americans... based on secret intel
4 October 2009 How to deal with the SPLC - James Edwards 
Caution: Ends with suggestion we wouldn't show our mommas...
4 October 2009 The Extreme Makeover of Fox News Analyst Marc Lamont Hill - Cliff Kincaid 
3 October 2009 Carter is Wrong: Open Letter to Catherine Meeks, PhD - Steve Scroggins, GHC 
3 October 2009 SPLC's Mark Potok Responds - Mark Epstein 
2 October 2009 New Publication Exposes Tactics Used by Southern Poverty Law Center to Discredit Immigration Reform Groups - PRNewsWire 
2 October 2009 A Guide to Understanding the Tactics of the Southern Poverty Law Center in the Immigration Debate - 
2 October 2009 Hijacking Hate, Part II - Neil Dykstra, 
30 September 2009 Is Disagreement with Obama Racism? - Walter E. Williams, TH 
It's racism only if one defines racism as the SPLC does or like Jimmy Carter...or like Leonard Pitts.
29 September 2009 The Southern Poverty Law Center's Pro-Amnesty Anti-Free Speech Agenda - Rep. Tom Tancredo, 
The SPLC caught in another LIE...published in a college textbook.
28 September 2009 Southern Poverty Law Center Smears Immigration Patriots-And Lord Of The Rings! - Rep. Tom Tancredo, 
28 September 2009 Cops, deputies warned again about right-wing 'terrorists' - Bob Unruh, WND 
SPLC alarm: 'Militiamen, white supremacists, anti-Semites, nativists, tax protesters coalescing'
28 September 2009 SPLC intel report casts wide net for 'extremists' - Chris Carter, 
28 September 2009 The SPLC: Law Enforcement's "race-baiting" Propaganda Machine - Mark Epstein 
28 September 2009 Constitutionalists are not the haters - David Codrea, Gun Rights Examiner 
28 September 2009 So I Guess I'm a Hate Group Member, too - Tertium Quids 
28 September 2009 Last Of The Nice WASP Progressives: Otis Graham And The Long War For Patriotic Immigration Reform - Steve Sailer, 
28 September 2009 Massive FBI Data Mining Revealed, Set to Expand - Alex Norman, 
DHS Sources Prompt Calls for Ousting Napolitano
28 September 2009 Southern Poverty Law Center: Civil Rights or Civil Greed? - LisaInTx blog 
27 September 2009 CasaBunco: The Mysterious Poverty Palace - X-Files parody 
24 September 2009 The Letter Joe Wilson Should Write - Larry Elder, TH 
In the PC world of DC, hypocrisy and racism are a one way street.
23 September 2009 Generational Racism is Old and Tired - S.E. Cupp 
22 September 2009 Carter: Poster Boy for Racism - Dick Yarbrough 
Hyperventilation? Really, Dick, you were never that good.
22 September 2009 Strategic Race Baiting - Harry R. Jackson, Jr., TH 
Conservatives losing the PR war...
21 September 2009 Five Hate Bills Surge Forward In Congress - Rev. Ted Pike, National Prayer Network 
Thought Police and "Hate Crime" bills move forward during distractions in Congress...
21 September 2009 Why We're Talking About Race -- Again - Star Parker 
20 September 2009 Rush Limbaugh's Descriptions of Mark Potok of Southern Poverty Law Center - Stogie, SaberPoint 
18 September 2009 Malaise The Magnificent: Mindreader...Knows All...Sees All - X-Files parody 
18 September 2009 CNN Pressured To Give Up Controversial Host - jason Linkins, HuffPost 
Lou Dobbs under seige by Hate Groups --- they whine how "dangerous" Dobbs supposedly is.
17 September 2009 Echo Chamber of Lies: Open Letter to Leonard Pitts on SPLC - Steve Scroggins, GHC 
17 September 2009 Blaming attacks on racism is overstatement - 
17 September 2009 What Jimmy Carter Doesn't Know - Jonathan Bean, 
17 September 2009
Race and Stupidity - Patrick J Buchanan,
16 September 2009 Why the SPLC is So Very Dangerous in the Obama Era - Frank Conner, GHC 
16 September 2009 All the President's Race Baiters - Bobby Eberle, GOPUSA
16 September 2009 News Outlets Largely Ignoring ACORN Scandal, Critics Say -
16 September 2009 Acorn Runs Off the Rails - John Fund,
15 September 2009 The Paranoid Center: How the panic over right-wing violence is being used to marginalize peaceful dissent - Jesse Walker, 
15 September 2009 Senate votes to deny funds to ACORN - AP 
Where did these Backbones come from?
15 September 2009 Immigration Battle Heating Up: Group accuses radio hosts of supporting hate group - Diegao Graglia, FI2W blog&nbsp
14 September 2009 SPLC Smears the SCV...Again - J.A. Davis, GHC 
14 September 2009 FAIR On The SPLC: Nice Guys Get Smeared Some More - Patrick Cleburne, VDARE
14 September 2009 Sons of Confederate Veterans Reject False, Unfair Attacks Against SCV - SCV Press Release 
14 September 2009 "JT Marlon" and the SPLC - Steve Sailor, VDARE
September 12 Bullying liberal prosecutor tries to censor video of Obama ally ACORN promoting sexual slavery - Hans Bader,
September 12 An Example of "Racist" Activities by Sons of Confederate Veterans - SaberPoint 
SPLC: Smear them all; let history sort them out.
September 11 The True Identity of Van Jones - Cliff Kincaid, GOPUSA 
September 11 The ACORN Way: Change the Law After You Break It - Heather S. Heidelbaugh, TH&nbsp
September 10 Wolves in Watchdog Clothing: SPLC & Fellow Travelers - Jim Dean, GHC 
September 10 ACORN Exposéd: Stealing Democracy - Matthew Vadum, TH 
These ACORN people are rebranding socialism as "economic democracy"....they are fellow travelers with Uncle Mo and Uncle Jo.
September 10 2 ACORN Employees Fired, Could Face Criminal Charges - 
Pimping for tax dollars! These are the folks Obama wants to put in charge of the 2010 Census.
September 10 Top law officials defend embattled MIAC agency -
SPLC co-opts Missouri law enforcement "intelligence" agency to spread hate propaganda.
September 10 Race Card - R.I.P. - Larry Elder, TH 
September 9 What Van Jones Tells Us About President Obama - Ben Shapiro, TH 
Marxist and racist, what a combo! Obama's friends tell us a lot...
September 9 OPR Opens Inquiry Into Black Panthers Case Dismissal - Mary Jacoby,
Obama's DOJ has no problem with Black Panther voter intimidation. Inquiring minds want to know...
September 8 Hispanic Influx Causes Tensions with Blacks - ChicagoTribune 
Georgia blacks trying to hold the brown man down!
September 8 Health Care "HATE BEATS" Are A Self-Fulfilling Prophecy - Rick Henderson, Carolina Journal&nbsp
Can you hear that HATE beat?! Call them all racists!
September 8 Is Conservative Obama Backlash The New Racism? - Bakari Kitwana, Huffpost 
Racists! Can't you see them everywhere? No really. He's serious.
September 5 Hispanic Hate-Crime Suspect held on $7500 bail - 
Where is the SPLC to report on this hatecrime in Suffolk County NY ? Also on
September 5 Liberals Can't Have it Both Ways - 
Liberals alarmed about rightwing militias are OK with disbanding CIA assets tracking Islamic terrorists. Hmmm...
September 3 And This is How Obama Remembers 9-11? - Bobby Eberle, GOPUSA uses SPLC tactics to smear half of America as "Right-Wing Domestic Terrorists"...and they want action on Patriot Day 9/11. See the removed webpage here.
September 3 It ain't America no more: Fairfax County Schools censor anti-Obama speech - 
ObamaTroops: The selective defenders of free speech...
September 2 Dees v. Stalin: Which is the bigger threat to Americans now? - X-Files parody 
September 2 Obama's Team Crosses the Rhetorical Line - Heritage Foundation 
See the removed webpage here.
September 2 Obama's Failure to Help May Spring from Racism - Ben Shapiro, TH 
WHERE is the SPLC? Why aren't they calling Obama a racist? An Hispanic holocaust in California?
September 1 Chuck Baldwin's 2008 VP candidate Castle testifies regarding MIAC report - 
Chuck Baldwin reported that Missouri scraps MIAC report back in March 2009.
August 31 Read/Download the discredited MIAC Report - 
Can you see the SPLC fingerprints on this report? Compare to reports on SPLC's website.
August 31 SPLC denies part in MIAC report on April 1st - SPLC 
Were SPLC's fingers crossed, too?
August 31 What Signs of 'Right-Wing Extremism' Law Enforcement Are Trained to Look For - astuteblogger 
August 31 Missouri Libertarian Party to testify at MIAC hearing - 
August 31 Sources for DHS rightwing extremism report: ADL, SPLC, NYT, LAT, Dave Weigel... - 
We know about the secret meetings...
August 30 A brief history of the SPLC - WTW 
August 29 Montgomery County pays $1.3M to settle Dees harassment case - X-Files parody 
August 29 SPLC continues hate smear against Oath Keepers - 
August 28 Liberal propagandists Media Matters join SPLC in campaign to silence Dobbs - 
Leftists believe that the First Amendment protects only their own free speech.
August 28 Crying Wolf! - 
SPLC wants to repeal the Second Amendment; it's not needed since they see militias and gun owners as hate groups.
August 28 Monsters under the bed: Democrats stage violence to demonize opponents - 
When truth defeats leftist agenda, stage a Hate Crime to change the subject.
August 28 Noncognitive Assessment Farce - LaShawn Barber 
Racial preferences are discrimination.
August 27 Barack Obama's Civilian Army - 
Obama's DHS hires the SPLC to be his private security army...for his Thug-ocracy
August 27 The Chicago Way - Teri O'Brien, TH Pol Blog 
The Chicago machine marches on...
August 27 Missouri House of Reps to Hold Hearing on MIAC Report - Kurt Nimmo 
The DHS and SPLC smear scandal has deep roots!
August 26 Blathering Storm by Morris Dees - X-Files parody 
August 26 Hate And Slander For Profit - Dissecting the Southern Poverty Law Center Report - Natl Policy Institute 
Get the PDF version of the 'special report' from
August 26 Criticism does not = racism - Kristen Chapman, 
SPLC's Potok calls everyone a racist.
August 26 ACLU: Spying for America's Enemies - Michelle Malkin 
First, DHS coopted by SPLC, DOJ in bed with ACLU traitors
August 26 Jesus Christ - 'Hate Criminal?' - Ted Pike, 
Hate-speech police (especially the SPLC) would not tolerate Christ.
August 25 Fake hate crime alert: Leftists vandalize Denver Democrat HQ; Dems smeared Obamacare foes - Michelle Malkin&nbsp
Hate crimes hoaxes to smear the opposition. Pathetic.
August 25 What has Hate Got to Do With It? -
August 25 SPLC Smears of Environmentalists Lingers -
Here we go again...the SPLC calling any opponent of illegal immigration a Racist.
August 24 SPLC forfeits credibility - Bob Barr, AJC&nbsp
SPLC specializes in Broad Brush smears...
August 24 The 'defamation campaign' against science czar John Holdren - Michelle Malkin&nbsp
Standard response: accuse critics of bigotry, defamation...
August 23 SPLC Advises DHS at a Secret Meeting - X-Files parody
Only extremists would tell this...
August 21 SPLC's Reputation as Frauds and Conmen Grows - Commentary by J.A. Davis & Steve Scroggins&nbsp
August 20 'Whites are People Too': Why Some White People are Stating the Obvious - Carol Swain, HuffPost&nbsp
August 20 Obama: The Bane of America - John Butler,
The REAL threat to Obama comes from the left. We pray for the President's safety.
August 19 PJTV: Sonja Schmidt on Obama's "Friends" - Sonia Schmidt&nbsp
"Associate yourself with men of good quality if you esteem your own reputation. It is better be alone than in bad company." --George Washington
August 18 DHS Sources Prompt Calls for Ousting Napolitano - Alex Newman, 
SPLC and other weird websites used by DHS as source for April 'Right Wing Extremism' report
August 18 The Feds and the Southern Poverty Law Center target patriots -
SPLC is a "fierce protector of all things left." --Carl Braun
August 16 America Closing Her Door to Freedom - Commentary by Douglas Young&nbsp
August 14 Sheriff Richard Mack (RET) Responds to Southern Poverty Law Center Smear Attack on Oath Keepers and on Sheriff Mack - 8/14/09&nbsp
August 14 Rather than monitoring hate groups, the Southern Poverty Law Center has become one - 8/14/09&nbsp
Illegal immigration is now Gay Rights AND Civil Rights? Haw, haw..
August 14 Immigration Reform: A Gay Rights issue? - 8/14/09&nbsp
August 13 Conservative Groups Dismiss Report on Rise of Militias - FoxNews 8/13/09&nbsp
August 13 Justice Dept. pressed to explain Panthers dropped charges - Washington Times, 8/7/09 &nbsp
August 12 ALIPAC Calls for Napolitano Resignation in Wake of SPLC Scandal - MMDnewswire, 8/12/09
SPLC is a "discredited left wing political group" ( More on Napolitano )
August 12 The Obama Role in the DHS Assault on Freedom: When Did He Know, and Why Didn't He Stop It? -, 8/12/09
August 10 Mission Creep and the Southern Poverty Law Center's Misguided Focus - Carol Swain, Huffington Post&nbsp
August 9 Southern Poverty Law Center Overview -
August 9 The Morris Dees Profile -
August 9 The Dirt on Morris Dees - The Patriotist
A compilation...
August 8 Gathering Wind: Morris Dees and The Rise of Mental Flatulence in America - Michael A. Hoffman, II (1996)
A comical review of Morris Dees' book, Gathering Storm: America's Militia Threat, by a writer who's rather wacky himself. -- See also Blathering Storm
August 8 The Militias are Coming - David B. Kopel, Reason Magazine | August/September 1996
1996 Commentary on Dees' book, "Gathering Storm"
August 5 Tea Party-Bashers Gone Wild - Michele Malkin, Townhall&nbsp
Leftist activist hypocrisy on parade...
July 30 Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) Has Become A Danger To America! -
July 27 Proclamation of Amnesty and Pardon Granted to All Persons of European Descent - Walter E. Williams
Dr. Williams is a hoot. Why can't SPLC forgive the European-Americans?
June 17 The Paranoids Are Out to Get Me! -- The return of the militia scare - Jesse Walker, Reason Magazine
SPLC leads the Tin Foil Hat team at DHS
June 5 US Department of Injustice - Michele Malkin, Townhall&nbsp
Black Panther Hate crimes get a free pass...
May 28 A Cancer Called the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) - Robert Lindsay, 5/28/09
May 15 King of the Hate Business - Alexander Cockburn, Counterpunch, 5/15/09
Morris Dees of the SPLC is King of Hate.
April 22 How the Left Punishes Conservatives - Saberpoint blog 4/22/09
April 22 Homeland Security's Most Fearsome Threat - DiversityLane 4/22/09
White, churchgoing veterans....oooooh. Link
April 19 The Southern Poverty Law Center: A Leftwing Propaganda Machine - Saberpoint blog 4/19/09
Good point, Saberpoint
April 18 Breaking News: Southern Poverty Law Center Finds A Conservative Group That Isn't Racist, White-Supremacist or Extremist - Saberpoint blog 4/18/09
Would be funny if not so true.
April 16
Southern Poverty Law Center Tries to Cash in on DHS Report - Matthew Vadum,
April 16 Georgia Senate endorses radical idea - Atlanta Journal-Constitution 4/16/09
State Sovereignty is neither radical nor new! AJC's Bookman smears Georgia Senators and all who believe in the 10th Amendment to the Constitution.
April 14 Homeland Security Report Warns Of Rising Right-Wing Extremism - Huffington Post/AP 4/14/09
SPLC manipulates DHS to smear all right-leaning Americans
April 12 Homeland Security document targets most conservatives and libertarians in the country - Stephen Gordon,
SPLC manipulates DHS to smear all right-leaning Americans
April 10 AIPAC and American Traitors - Commentary by Jim Dean&nbsp
April 7 DHS report on Rightwing Extremism - PDF&nbsp
March 27 Immigration Reform, Change Gang style - Commentary by Jim Dean&nbsp
March 26 Missouri MIAC Documents Scandal Leads to Advisory on SPLC & ADL -
The plot thickens...SPLC infiltrates MIAC
March 16 Glenn Spencer rebuts SPLC smears - American Patrol 3/16/08
March 12 Progressive Purveyors of Hatred - Commentary by Frank Gillispie&nbsp
March 4 Shilling for Dollars at the SPLC - Gary DeMar
February 25 Hate Bills Creeping Under the Radar... - Commentary by Jim Dean&nbsp
Silence is not always golden...
February 23 A Nation of Race Cowards - Walter E. Williams&nbsp
February 22 America Needs a Surge at Home - Commentary by Jim Dean&nbsp
February 20
Imagine That... Playing the 'Race' Card Again - Bobby Eberle
Anyone who rejects the stimulus MUST be a racist...
February 20
A Nation of Cowards - Linda Chavez
More victimology from the Attorney General...
February 17 Crawford Long Name Change: More Ethnic Cleansing? - Commentary by Frank Gillispie&nbsp
Contact Emory and protest the name change!
February 16 Partisan Hypocrisy - Commentary by Steve Scroggins&nbsp
A rebuttal of Cynthia Tucker's AJC commentary 2/15/09
February 14
Another View of the NAACP -- Part Three - Al Benson, Jr.
February 13 Looking for Lincoln Through Southern Conservative Eyes - Part 2 - Commentary by Frank Conner&nbsp
Frank Conner's critique of the PBS program.
February 8 Looking for Lincoln Through Southern Conservative Eyes - Commentary by Frank Conner&nbsp
February 5 Secular Political Fanatics - Commentary by Douglas Young&nbsp
February 4
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Hate-Mongers (like SPLC) - John Vennari
January 31
Obama's Change: 12 Days of Racism - C.J. Graham
January 27
Fight Back Against the Tolerance Fascists - John Hawkins
January 23
Gipper 1, Race-baiters 0 - Mike Gallagher

  Rev. Joseph Lowery's racist "benediction" during inauguration January 19 Race Hustlers in Damage Control Mode - Commentary by J.A. Davis & Steve Scroggins&nbsp
January 16 Real Racism in America - Commentary by J.A. Davis&nbsp
January 15
'Hate crimes!' They're ba-ack! - WND
January 14 NAACP Habits Die Hard - Commentary by Steve Scroggins&nbsp
January 14
Selma votes to rename Jeff Davis street - AP

  Here we go again! More Ethnic Cleansing in Dixie.  


December 29
CHANGE IN THE NICK OF TIME Part 1 of 3 - Dr. Edwin Vieira, Jr.

  "Standing armies are the bane of liberty..."...Understanding the militia and our common duty.  


December 22 Who does the media serve? - Commentary by Frank Conner&nbsp
December 21 Remembering When There Was Respect and Honor - Commentary by Jeff Davis&nbsp
December 13
Make English our official language - Frank Gillispie
November 29
Dealing with Cowardice - Frank Gillispie

November 28

The Southern Poverty Law Center - No Artistry in its Smears - Don Feder,

November 2 The Southern Poverty Business Model - Ken Silverstein (Harpers Nov.2007)
Sept. 30 The Fatherland Protection Racket - Thomas DiLorenzo&nbsp -- read all about our Department of Homeland Security
June 27 Green Card Fraud, the "Legal" Way - Commentary by Jim Dean&nbsp
June 8 The New Slave Traders - Commentary by Steve Scroggins&nbsp
June 8 Is 'Scamnesty' headed for the rocks? - Commentary by Jim Dean&nbsp
June 4 The Bell Tolls for Thee... - Commentary by Jim Dean&nbsp
June 3 Lies, Damn Lies and Amnesty Lies - Commentary by Randy Phillips&nbsp
June 1 Taxpayer Funding of our Enemies... - Commentary by Jim Dean&nbsp
La Raza is the enemy.
June 1 The Three Amnesty Amigos from Georgia... - X-Files parody&nbsp
May 26 GOP Ascendency & Revisionism: Southern Strategy Vindicated - Commentary by J.A. Davis&nbsp
May 25 Tolerance, Kindness And The Contrary - Commentary by J.A. Davis&nbsp
May 19 Rebuttal of Boteach's South-Bashing - Letter by Lewis Regenstein&nbsp
Regenstein corrects another useful idiot...
May 18 Hate Crimes & Secret Testimony: Big Win in Canada - Commentary by Jim Dean&nbsp
May 11 Heritage Hate on Campus - Commentary by Jim Dean&nbsp
May 8 Frankly Speaking on the Southern Culture Pendulum - Commentary by Frank Gillispie&nbsp
May 5 Happy Cinco de Mayo! -- News from the future: May 5, 2021 - X-Files parody&nbsp
May 2 Rebuttal to Hyatt's Hokum on 1956 Georgia Flag - Commentary by Steve Scroggins&nbsp
Rebutting the BIG LIE again...
April 29 How Dare They Attack Our Confederate Flag! - Commentary by Joan Hough&nbsp
April 22 The Hysterical Channel -- Again! - Commentary by Bill Vallante&nbsp
April 21 Making Truth a Crime - Commentary by Jim Dean&nbsp
April 21 Sherman's March, Other Depredations and You! - Commentary by Bill Vallante&nbsp
April 18 The Third American Revolution - Part 2 - Commentary by Frank Conner&nbsp
April 18 Confederate Memorial Day in Dixie - History Minute by Calvin E. Johnson, Jr.&nbsp
April 4 Ready for Reparations? - Commentary by Jim Dean 
March 30 Maybe the Tide is Turning? - Commentary by Randy Young 
March 28 The Apology & Reparations Express - X-Files parody 
Eric Johnson elbows his way to engineer
March 27 Perdue right on slavery far - Commentary by Randy Phillips 
More ignorance and hate speech on parade at UGA
March 27 Missouri Scraps MIAC Report - Chuck Baldwin 
March 25 SPLC Shows Its True Colors - Lynn Stuter,, 3/25/08 
Stuter nails SPLC for hypocrisy - they smear American Patrol and give La Raza a free pass...
March 23 'Fusion Centers' Expand Criteria to Identify Militia Members - 
Are you a militia member? The U.S. goverment probably thinks so.
March 22 Lies & Myth regurgitated at UGA - Commentary by Steve Scroggins 
More ignorance and hate speech on parade at UGA
March 21 Do We Need Confederate History Month? - Commentary by Randy Young 
March 21 Rebutting McNaughton's Nonsense in the AJC - Commentary by Billy Bearden 
Another useful idiot bites the dust.
March 20 The Truth about the NAACP and Slavery Apologies - Commentary by J.A. Davis 
March 19 Eric Johnson, architech of heritage destruction - Commentary by Randy Phillips 
March 18 Lincoln Hypocrisy - Commentary by Steve Scroggins 
March 17 Apologies, let's be clear - Commentary by J.A. Davis 
March 16 Slavery, Apologies & Duty - Commentary by Steve Scroggins 
March 15 Dese Guys Just Don't Sound Like All Y'all - Commentary by Randy Young 
March 14 Frankly Speaking on Slavery Apologies - Commentary by Frank Gillispie 
March 11 Speak Southern - Commentary by Joan Hough 
March 11 Blowing the whistle on illegals - Commentary by Jim Dean 
March 9 Slavery apologies an absurd guilt-trip gesture - Commentary by Steve Scroggins 
March 7 Understanding the Causes of the Uncivil War - Essay by Mike Scruggs 
Critic distorts book's positions on Civil War, slavery issue - Mike Scruggs
March 6 Enemies Within destroying Constitutional rights - Commentary by Jim Dean 
March 2
Southern Poverty: richer than Tonga - Ken Silverstein (Harpers Mar.2007) February 23 Breach of Oath - Commentary by Jim Dean 
February 19 The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Hate-Mongers - John Vennari, 
The SPLC are highly effective Hate Mongers; they have made expert use of the media and government.


December 11 Southern Poverty Law Center Pushes Twisted Definition of 'Hate' - Matthew Vadum, Human Events 
November 17 America's Worst Anti-Jewish Action - Commentary by Lewis Regenstein 
U.S. Grant, hero of the antisemites.
November 16 Standing Against Lies - Commentary by J.A. Davis 
November 15 Historical we go again - Commentary by Steve Scroggins 
November 14 Heidi Does Long Beach: The SPLC vs. Academic Freedom - Kevin MacDonald, 
SPLC's Heidi Beirich launches persecution camppaign to smear California professor.
November 1 The Southern Poverty Law Center: A Twisted Definition of Hate - Matthew Vadum, Capital Research Center
PDF format
October 27 Historical Crock Pot: The National Slavery Museum - Commentary by Bill Vallante 
September 28 Making Light of Sherman's War Crimes Not Appreciated - Commentary by David Anderson 
Making light of Sherman's atrocities.
September 21 It Needs to be Said - Commentary by J.A. Davis 
September 15 Southern Reconstruction, or, Common Sense Takes a Holiday - Commentary by Bill Vallante 
September 8 Americans to the Back of the Bus! - Commentary by Jim Dean 
September 5 Confederate Battle Flags in Europe, Russia - Commentary by Steve Scroggins 
September 2 Judgment DAY - Commentary by Jim Dean 
August 31 Rebuttal to Nevin's Nonsense on Southern Flag - Commentary by Steve Scroggins 
Another useful idiot rebutted.
August 30 Immigration Trojan Horse Inside the Gates - Commentary by Jim Dean 
August 29 The Second National Flag & Bob Young's Hypocrisy - Commentary by Billy Bearden 
August 28 Taliban Bob Young presented Bloody Scimitar Award - X-Files parody 
August 26 Flags Memorialize Military Service - Commentary by Steve Scroggins 
August 24 Veterans and Flags: A connection that's anything but 'tenuous' - Commentary by Woody Highsmith 
August 23 B.S. Perdue visits the Augusta Taliban to offer support when suddenly... - X-Files parody 
August 22 The Real Issue At Riverwalk---It's NOT just another flag fight - Commentary by J.A. Davis 
May 28 The Immigration Debate: Racism--Or Treason? -- Peter Brimelow,, 5/28/06 

April 12 Thomas Jefferson, Greatest of the Founding Fathers - Commentary by Steve Scroggins 
Hate mongers attacked the reputation of Jefferson; but not one peep when the allegations are discredited.
April 8 Immigration Civil War - Commentary by Jim Dean 
April 8 Immigration Grassroots - Commentary by Jim Dean 
April 8 Radical Immigrationists reject Assimilation - Commentary by Jim Dean 
April 5 Victim of Smear Campaign Gets Even With Morris Dees - James P. Tucker, 
April 4 Let's Organize Direct Engagement! - Commentary by Jim Dean 
April 1 They're Coming.... - Commentary by Jim Dean 
March 30 Reflections From The Riverwalk Trial - Commentary by J.A. Davis 
March 29 Illegal Immigrants are Criminals - Commentary by Frank Gillispie 
March 28 Augusta Riverwalk Litigation Update - Commentary by J.A. Davis 
March 24 The SPLC and Church Burnings - Gary DeMar 
March 23 Will You Stand With Us Or Leave The Fight To Others? - Commentary by J.A. Davis 
March 20 Lincoln's war against Confederate civilians included extensive oppression of U.S. civilians - Commentary by Norman Black 
March 17 Still shaking down NASCAR - Commentary by Elizabeth Wright 
March 7 Good News on NASCAR Hall of Shame - Commentary by Frank Gillispie 
February 24 More Lincoln Myths Exposed - Commentary by J.A. Davis 
February 16 The Funeral Crashers - X-Files parody 
February 16 Showtime at Coretta Scott King's funeral - Larry Elder, Townhall 
February 15 The flames of hate in Alabama - Jeff Jacoby 
SPLC: It's only a 'hate crime' if the victim is the right color
February 2 Nuttin' Illegal Going On Around Here - Commentary by Joan Hough 
January 27 Erase our borders? - Commentary by Joan Hough 
January 23 Is the PC tide turning? - Commentary by Frank Gillispie 


December 31 Ted Pike's 2005 'Hate Crime' Wrap Up - Commentary by Jim Dean 
December 21 We Heartless Americans - Commentary by Joan Hough 
December 16 Immigration Reform on a Roll! - Commentary by Jim Dean 
December 11 Immigration 'Reform' Plot Thickens - Commentary by Jim Dean 
December 8 Bothered and bewildered - Commentary by J.A. Davis 
December 8 The True Meaning of Christmas - Commentary by Calvin E. Johnson, Jr. 
December 3 Minutemen frontal attack on NBC - Commentary by Jim Dean 
December 2 Immigration Reform Snake Oil Salesmen - Commentary by Jim Dean 
November 29 Know The Enemy of Liberty - Commentary by J. A. Davis 
November 25 Report from the "Tower of Babble" - Commentary by Joan Hough 
November 23 Time for Georgia to get out of the penalty box - Rep. Lynn Westmoreland 
If section 5 of the Voting Rights Act doesn't apply to all 50 states, it should NOT apply to Georgia.
November 22 Southern Strategy editorial rebutted - Commentary by J.A. Davis 
November 21 Terrorists Casing the Mexican Border - Commentary by Jim Dean 
November 17 Illegal Immigration is 4th Generation Warfare - Commentary by Jim Dean 
November 16 Don't Rewrite my history, my heritage - Commentary by Billy Bearden 
November 15 A Culture of Victimhood - Commentary by Frank Gillispie 
November 11 Honor veterans with the truth...Do we have the courage to do it? - Commentary by Jim Dean 
November 10 Ted Pike Hate Crime bill update - Commentary by Jim Dean 
November 7 Capitol Conversation - X-Files parody 
November 5 Neoslavemasters... - Commentary by Jim Dean 
November 4 Democrats and Liberals, go to the woodshed... - Commentary by Jim Dean 
November 3 Rosa Parks: Truth and Consequences - Commentary by Jim Dean 
October 26 Where is the outrage? - Commentary by Frank Gillispie 
October 20 Benavides flyers in English and Spanish - Notice by Norman Black 
October 14 Who was Sir Moses Ezekiel? - Commentary by Calvin E. Johnson, Jr. 
October 11 NASCAR betrays the South - Commentary by Frank Gillispie 
October 6 Parker and the 'Pandering Bush' - Commentary by Jim Dean 
September 23 Stopping the Illegal Immigration Looters - Commentary by Jim Dean 
September 22 What NOT to teach - Commentary by Frank Gillispie 
September 20 High Winds in Dixie - Commentary by Calvin Johnson, Jr. 
September 16 Open Borders advocates use racist smear tool - Commentary by Jim Dean 
September 16 Another Immigration Reform Campaign - Commentary by Jim Dean 
September 15 Immigration and the next elections - Commentary by Jim Dean 
September 14 Katrina NOT America's worst disaster - Commentary by Frank Gillispie 
September 11 The Real Racists Revealed - Commentary by J.A. Davis 
September 9 Katrina II headed toward Louisiana - Commentary by Jim Dean 
September 4 Voting Rights, Corruption and Media Bias - Commentary by Michael Kilpatrick 
September 3 Voting Rights Hypocrisy - Commentary by Frank Gillispie 
August 25 Reading, Thinking & Frustrated - Commentary by J.A. Davis 
August 23 Frankly Speaking: Our Rich Southern Heritage - Commentary by Frank Gillispie 
August 22 Some thoughts on last week - Commentary by J.A. Davis 
August 14 Mega-larceny has friends in high places - Commentary by Jim Dean 
August 11 Reparations in a pound of flesh - Commentary by Jim Dean 
August 10 Return Artifacts Looted from the South - Commentary by Frank Gillispie 
August 10 They are coming to change Forrest Park - Commentary by Calvin E. Johnson, Jr. 
August 8 Multiculturalism under attack worldwide - Commentary by J.A. Davis 
August 8 Santos Benavides flyers - Notice by Norman Black 
August 6 Al Sharpton's a Comin'!! - Commentary by Bill Valante 
August 4 Democrats are Voter Fraud Champs...for now - Commentary by Jim Dean 
August 3 Californians trying to fight back with border police? - Commentary by Jim Dean 
August 2 The Double Standard for American flags - Commentary by James W. King 
August 1 Newsflash: Tourists seek Dixie - Commentary by Frank Gillispie 
August 1 G-P Continues Lead For Atlanta Economic Stupidity and Failure - Commentary by J.A. Davis 
August 1 What will you say? - Poem by Russ Huffman 
July 28 Tourism, heritage and Truth - Commentary by J.A. Davis 
July 28 Tyrone Brooks: A Dangerous Anachronism - Commentary by Frank Conner 
Do they or do they NOT want to remove "painful reminders?"
July 27 Never Again - Commentary by Wayne Dobson 
July 21 Needless Political Lies and Deception - Commentary by J.A. Davis 
July 18 Illegal Immigration meets RICO Statutes - Commentary by Jim Dean 
July 16 Big Biz sees Illegals as lucrative market - Commentary by Jim Dean 
July 12 Augusta Riverwalk Violation: A Review 
July 7 About the Mexican Flag - Commentary by Steve Mason 
July 4 1776 - That Spirit of Resistance - Commentary by J.A. Davis 
July 2 Bush Amnesty proposal invites illegals - Commentary by Jim Dean 
June 25 This Ain't Your Father's National Park Service - Commentary by Bill Vallante 
PART 2 of 2
June 24 This Ain't Your Father's National Park Service - Commentary by Bill Vallante 
PART 1 of 2
June 24 The Hate of "Anti-Hate" Groups - Gary DeMar 
June 23 Gold Star Mothers set up for media attacks - Commentary by Jim Dean 
June 22 The Hysterical Channel - Commentary by Bill Vallante 
June 21 Snapshot of the Social/Political Scene - Commentary by J.A. Davis 
June 20 Christophobes endure hardships - Commentary by Michael Kilpatrick 
June 20 The Women of Kennesaw Mountain - Commentary by Calvin E. Johnson, Jr. 
June 10 Identifying rednecks... - Commentary by Frank Gillispie 
June 10 When racial politics is OK - Commentary by Jim Dean 
June 9 Slavery Hypocrisy Runneth Over - Commentary by John Wayne Dobson 
June 9 Illegal Immigration, Diversity & Crime - Commentary by Jim Dean 
June 3 Vasquez Speaks Out - Commentary by Jim Dean 
June 2 Supreme Court upholds Religious Freedom in RLUIPA - Commentary by Dr. Paul E. Bellino 
May 31 Sowell joins the South-bashers - Commentary by Frank Gillispie 
May 26 Mexican Terrorists, A Vision of the Future - Commentary by Jim Dean 
May 23 Augusta Riverwalk Litigation Imminent - Commentary by J.A. Davis 
May 22 Illegal Immigration: Failure to Resist is Acquiescence - Commentary by Jim Dean 
May 20 Water seeks its own level - Commentary by J.A. Davis 
May 19 Bigots Too Close to Home - Commentary by J.A. Davis 
May 16 Georgia's PC Custodians Whipped Again - Commentary by J.A. Davis 
May 13 Information & Simple Arithmetic - Commentary by Jim Dean 
May 4 Problems created over 30 years ago - Commentary by Frank Gillispie 
April 25 Illegal Immigration lobby brings out their heavy artillery - Commentary by Jim Dean 
April 14 Tancredo trying to smoke out Bush - Commentary by Jim Dean 
April 10 Major Supreme Court Immigration Victory - Commentary by Jim Dean 
April 9 MinuteMan News from 04/08/05 - Commentary by Jim Dean 
April 8 The MinuteMan Project - doing the jobs that our politicians will not do ... - Commentary by Mike Crane 
April 7 Some alarming questions... - Commentary by J.A. Davis 
April 5 Want to save Social Security? STOP the Fraud! - Commentary by J.A. Davis 
April 4 Let's Welcome a new 'Southerner' - Commentary by Lewis Regenstein 
April 4 Do you know the Georgia pledge? - Commentary by Frank Gillispie 
April 3 SB-90's Assault on Liberty a leap down the slippery slope - Commentary by Carl Sears 
March 28 The Minute Man Project needs support - Commentary by Jim Dean 
March 26 OTM's...Other than Mexicans - Commentary by Jim Dean 
March 25 The Illegal Immigrants' Raid on Social Security - Commentary by Jim Dean 
March 18 Do you hear that train whistle? - Commentary by Jim Dean 
March 15 Reconstruction continues - Commentary by Michael Kilpatrick 
March 15 Another stealth tax: the crime tax - Commentary by Jim Dean 
February 28 Letter to Creative Loafing editors - by Jeff Davis 
SPLC smear falsely paints GHC as racist and anti-immigrant organization.
February 21 Bill Maher's Neurological Disorder - Commentary by Michael Kilpatrick 
February 20 The Brainwashing of America Continues - Commentary by Lewis Regenstein 
February 18 The Jim Limber Story for Black History Month - Commentary by Calvin Johnson 
February 14 The Science of Condescension - Commentary by Michael Kilpatrick 
February 8 I had a dream... - Commentary by Tony Penney 
February 8 Commence Tyranny in the Nursery - Commentary by Michael Kilpatrick 
February 4 Georgia Politics Deja Vu - Commentary by Jeff Davis
February 1 Atlanta: Cultural Cleansing NOT the Answer - Commentary by Jeff Davis
January 29 Heritage Wars, Canadian style - Commentary by Jim Dean
January 28 Why the name change? - Commentary by Steve Scroggins
January 27 Did you notice the symbolism of the flags? - Commentary by Frank Gillispie
January 24 Washington won't fix it - Commentary by Jim Dean
January 21 Rebuttal to Dave Long on Georgia flag - Commentary by Jeff Davis
January 21 Genocidal Buffalo Soldiers flagged - Commentary by Billy Bearden


December 23 The Deplorable Act of Savannah's Mullah-mayor - Commentary by Woody Highsmith 
December 22 Savannah deserves better - Commentary by Jeff Davis 
December 22 Rebuttal to Saunders on Lincoln's Legacy - Commentary by Phillip Gallanders 
December 14 Gradual Changes Good for Better Relations - Commentary by Jeff Davis 
December 6
The Speech That Launched An SPLC 'Hate' Honor - Peter Brimelow,
November 17 Ethnic Cleansing of Dixie - Commentary by Billy Bearden  
November 17
Shilling for the SPLC - Gary DeMar,
November 10 Yankee Secession Hypocrisy Exposed Again - Commentary by Steve Scroggins  
November 3 SPLC slanders Macon State professor - Commentary by Steve Scroggins October 15 Mullah Young & NAACP flagged Oct.9 - Report & pix by Billy Bearden October 7 Response to Mike Griffith on the Georgia Flag - Commentary by Jeff Davis September 29 Heritage Molesters Exposed Again - Commentary by Steve Scroggins September 27 About your editorial in favor of Suppressing Southern History - Commentary by Philip Gallanders
 NAACP at it again!
September 24 Augusta Chronicle as wrong as Taliban Bob Young - Commentary by Woody Highsmith September 22 Augusta Mayor Flagged After Riverwalk Inspection - Commentary by Billy Bearden September 21 Frankly Speaking: Augusta Monument Desecration - Commentary by Frank Gillispie September 21 Augusta Taliban clears Riverwalk - X-Files parody September 10 Double Cross or Double Standard? - Commentary by Jeff Davis August 31 Dragon Slayers - Commentary by Dr. William H. Swann August 18 All Southerners Should Boycott Coke - Commentary by Dr. Bill Swann August 11 The U.S. needs foreign election monitors? - Commentary by Steve Scroggins August 11 Wither the SPLC? - Commentary by Greg Hanson

August 6 GOP Cannibalism: The Invasion of the Puppetmasters - Commentary by Steve Scroggins August 6 The Enemy We Face - Commentary by Greg Hanson August 4 Mob led by Illinois Racist Lynches Mississippi Cracker - Commentary by Steve Scroggins August 1 Another Day, Another Lie - X-Files parody
 Julian Bond as 007 in...Another Day, Another Lie.
July 24 NCAA Bigotry and Extortion - Commentary by Steve Scroggins July 5 Reading Test Not Difficult Hurdle - Commentary by J.A. Davis June 10 The problem: Poor history education, not Confederate flags - Commentary by Bill Ward June 9 Eyewitnesses bring war's cruelty to light - Book Review by Bill Ward June 6 The Wall of Hate - X-Files parody
 Can a D-Day invasion force of truth penetrate the Wall of Hate?
June 4 Julian Bond's Hate-filled rhetoric - Letter by Lewis Regenstein May 31 Is the NAACP still relevant?
- St. Petersburg Times
 (Answer: no more than any other HATE group) May 31 Andersonville Highlights Hypocrisy - Commentary by Steve Scroggins May 25 T.R.R. Cobb wins over intolerance - Commentary by Jeff Davis May 20 Rebuttal to Press Republican's May12 editorial - Commentary by Steve Scroggins May 12 The 1956 Flag & the DATE ARGUMENT - Commentary by Greg Pearson May 9 Cleansing Sherman - Commentary by Jeff Davis May 4 The Dark Side of Diversity - Commentary by Jim Dean
 La Raza is a hate group.
April 28 The Greatest Enemy - Commentary by Steve Scroggins April 26 Political Parties Ignore Immigration Problems - Commentary by Carl Sears April 25 How Pathetic is the SPLC? Part 2 - Commentary by Greg Hanson April 25 IS IT MARVIN MILQUETOAST TIME? - Commentary by Greg Hanson April 15 A 9-11 Heritage Retrospective - Commentary by Jim Dean April 15 Free Yourself from Psychological Prison - Commentary by Greg Hanson April 9 How Pathetic is the SPLC? - Commentary by Greg Hanson March 31 Monument to Murderers at Fort Blakeley? - Commentary by Lewis Regenstein March 29 SPLC isolates Sierra Club green racists - Commentary by Steve Scroggins March 29 A Really Ugly Shade of Green - John Leo, Townhall
March 14 Real Georgia History - Commentary by Jeff Davis March 14 No, we won't forget - Commentary by Steve Scroggins February 26 Georgia Chamber of Falsehoods Mounts Propaganda Blitz - Commentary by Steve Scroggins February 25 The Parable of the $100 bill - Commentary by Steve Scroggins February 24 Davis Statue Should Remain in KY Capitol Rotunda - Commentary by Jeff Davis February 22 Wake Up Georgia! - Commentary by John Griffin February 20 Bigotry Blooms at Macon's Cherry Blossom Festival - Commentary by Steve Scroggins February 20 Why Doesn't the Media Support a Fair Vote? - Commentary by Greg Hanson (rebuttal to Marietta Daily Journal) February 19 Politicians cheapen military service - Commentary by Steve Scroggins February 18 GHC's Position on the March Referendum - Commentary by Jeff Davis February 18 Georgia Trend repeats the BIG LIES - A Rebuttal - Commentary by Steve Scroggins February 15 March Referendum Settles Nothing - Commentary by Steve Scroggins February 4 About Georgia's New History Curriculum - Commentary by Frank Gillispie February 4 The Truth About Georgia's New History Curriculum - Commentary by Joseph Jarrell February 1 When a hate crime is something to love - By Wesley Pruden, Editor in Chief, The Washington Times
January 31 Welcome to the Uncivil War - Commentary by Steve Scroggins January 30 Corrections to AJC-BS Report - Commentary by Steve Scroggins January 27 Flagistas VS. Media Klan - Commentary by Jim Dean January 27 Immigration Madness - Commentary by Jim Dean January 22 The Poll Hucksters - Commentary by Jim Dean January 22 Why Do They Hate Me? - Poem by Dr. William H. Swann January 18 History Education Should be Complete - Commentary by David Anderson January 17 Your Hatred Doth Runneth Over - Commentary by Jim Dean January 16 Has Bush Lost His Feeble Mind? - Commentary by Lewis Regenstein January 15 The Heritage Haters - Commentary by Jim Dean January 14 Some Dare Call It Treason (GOT ROPE?) - Commentary by Liz Michael January 11 What's In a Flag? - Commentary by Jim Dean January 5 Who is Really the Lost Cause (an AJC rebuttal) - Commentary by Jim Dean January 2 The Truth About the Confederate Battle Flag - Commentary by Pastor John Weaver  


December 23 The Grinch Almost Obliterated Christmas - Commentary by Dr. Paul E. Bellino December 16
Lump Of Coal - Fairfax Journal

size=2>Top Ten Southern Cultural
- Commentary by Dr.
William H. Swann


size=2>Union Army Code of Conduct -
Commentary by Lewis Regenstein

>November 21

size=2>Redneck Republicans -
Commentary by Woody Highsmith

>November 20

- Commentary by Dr.
Paul E. Bellino

>November 19 size=2>Gettysburg Address:  The Lie That Keeps on
- Commentary by Steve
>November 18

size=2>Vermont Secession
Commentary by Steve Scroggins



September 25
Morris Dees' Defamation - Myles Kantor
September 16
Morris Dees' Hate Campaign - David Horowitz
September 2
Open Letter to Morris Dees - David Horowitz,
August 27
Nurturing Justice Or Cashing In? - Roanoke Times and World News

 Morris Dees cashes in Big Time!  


March 8

Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) Questions to Dr. John Tanton with reply -



May 30

VDARE endorsed by SPLC - James Fulford, 5/30/01

February 8

Wypijewski Replies on the Southern Poverty Law Center - By JoAnn Wypijewski, The Nation



December 1

Intolerance Identified - Morris Dees and The Southern Poverty Law Center - Karen De Coster,

November 1 The Church of Morris Dees -
Ken Silverstein (Harpers Nov.2000)