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X Files

The X-Files is a humorous view of the truth which skewers the Heritage Haters, Scalawags and PC-bigots
with satire and parody. All effective humor must contain an element of truth. Since there is a LOT of truth in these images
and story-boards, we hope that you'll find them funny.

We want to hear from you either way. Let us know if you enjoy them or if you hate them. Send your feedback to

and send your image concepts and ideas for new material to


The X Files, the Truth is in HERE.


The 2010 Oaky Woods Bear 

A Memorial Day Stroll by the Confederate Monument at Arlington 

MSNBC and CNN announce new labeling policy 

America Koolaid-boarded 

Nancy Pelosi's 'Deem Team' - Waterboarding America 

Barack Obama enters new Whopper Olympics event 

Comparing Day and Night: George Washington v. Barack Obama 

General Beauregard Lee predicts an early winter for D.C. parasites Nov. 2nd, 2010 

Larry "Mini-BS" O'Neal wants to be House Speaker 

CasaBunco: The Mysterious Poverty Palace 

Malaise The Magnificent: Mindreader...Knows All...Sees All 

Dees v. Stalin: Which is the bigger threat to Americans now? 

Montgomery County pays $1.3M to settle Dees harassment case  

Blathering Storm by Morris Dees 

SPLC Advises DHS at a Secret Meeting 

Pirates of the Potomac 

The Bailout Stimulus Shell Game 

Play Residential Ratepayer Ripoff...the new game from the GEORGIA POWER Lottery 

J. Wellington Wimpy...AKA...Georgia Power 

Economic Worldviews 

B.S. Perdue delivering promises...? 

The Three Amnesty Amigos from Georgia... 

Happy Cinco de Mayo! -- News from the future: May 5, 2021 

Comedian Casey Cagle cracks joke... 

The Apology & Reparations Express... 

El Presidente Bush still can't see the light 

2004 Oaky Woods Protest 

Boss Sonny Boy - a new hit song by the Oaky Woods Boys 

A Scary Mary Thought for Lienus Perdue in the Pumpkin Patch 

B.S. Perdue scores big on Oaky Woods sellout... 

B.S. Perdue scolds his campaign manager... 

Sonny Perdue wins Whopper Competition 

Secret Chamber Man -- the video 

Gon' Need Taxbreaks, Friend... 

Who did it? Boss Sonny Did! 

EPA Officials find large political sign dump on Florida property owned by Georgia governor 

Taliban Bob Young presented Bloody Scimitar Award for desecrating the Augusta Riverwalk Flag Memorial 

B.S. Perdue visits the Augusta Taliban to offer support when suddenly... 

B.S. Perdue has Florida swampland for sale... 

Punt Perdue by Putting Georgia First 

Ralph Reed: 'I Am Not a Crook!''s like Deja Vu all over again 

General John B. Bordon Endorses Ray McBerry... 

Georgia's Choice: The General Lee OR The Major Lie... 

Republican Guard Denials 2006 

B.S. Perdue works with Mexican President Vicente Fox 

Legislative Output 

Beware the Lies of March! 

Ralph Reed Denies Smoking Gun 

Can't Get No Legislation 
New Smash Hit song sweeping Georgia!!

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly 

B.S. Perdue flies the Whopper One 

Three Liars in Town 

The YellaDog Fella 

B.S. Perdue hires an image consultant 

Ralph Reed's Cash Laundry 

New Sheriff in Town: Roscoe G. Richardson 

More Great Moments in Whopper Olympics History.... 

Great Moments in Whopper Olympics History.... 

Comparing Day and Night - George cannot tell a lie 

The Funeral Crashers 

Georgia burns while Nero Perdue fiddles... 

Sonny's Valentine 

Honest Glenn defends Republican leadership's agenda... 

Who's Most Flaming? 

Can you spot the two? 

Georgia's Gold Dome Gnomes led by the C.E.No 

B.S. Perdue's New 'Scandal Avoidance' system at the Capitol 

The Perdue Medal of Dishonor (with "L" for Liar) 

General Beauregard Lee will emerge Feb. 2 to say... 

The Great Campaign Issue Tug-of-war 

A Seasonal Atlanta favorite: 'TurnCoat Lies' 

Santa delivers message for the General Assembly 

Lying Lands Perdue on Santa's Naughty List 

The Pimps of HOTOWN 

Grand Opening of the new Dixie Fishing Hole 

Voting Rights under attack in Georgia 2031 A.D. 

B.S. & Walmart bring the Third World closer to home 

History Quiz for former Government school students 

Dorks of Hotlanta honor Confederate Colonel at Aquarium 

B.S. Perdue brags about the Major Lie's 'victory' 

A Veteran's Day Stroll at Arlington 

Capitol Conversation (Part 2) 

Capitol Conversation (Part 1) 

B.S. Perdue is shown his political future 

CONTROL Agent 86 works B.S. Perdue's Damage Control Team 

War Stories in the Gold Dome Nursing Home 

Dirty Dubya Outspends Liberal Punks 

B.S. Perdue's new slogan shows he has more than Georgia on his mind 

B.S. Perdue disdains amateurs 

B.S. in the secret Chamber backroom (Part 2) 

B.S. in the secret Chamber backroom (Part 1) 

B.S. Plots against The General Lee 

Uncle Mike's Dream 

Sonny Perdue, Art Lover 

The Panhandlers of Atlanta... 

News Analysis: GOP Campaign 2006 

Proud to be a Georgia Republican? 

Secret Chamber Man - hear the MP3 music! 

Memphis Taliban vows Jihad against Southern heritage 

Ralph Reed Flip Flops - get your own pair! 

Chicken Perdue---THIS time he ain't lying 

Ralph Reed's future: Reed Casino, Bait & Tackle 

Ralph Reed-Vader lures Sonny to the Dark Side.... 

Ralphie Reed will dance to any song if the price is right.... 

Ralph Reed's Grass Roots Machine rolls across Georgia... 

Ralph Reed rolls the dice... 

Judas Reed betrays Sacred Trust 

Why Reed was disappointed with Cagle's key trick 

Ruthless Ralph Reed, political mercenary 

'Perdue Ethics' a big joke in Georgia 

Dooley Unleashes Liar on Georgia 

Perdue, Reed the new Whopper Kings.. 

Ralph Reed at the Pearly Gates... 

A Memorial Day stroll at Macon's Rose Hill Cemetery 

Rooster Perdue: the rest of the story 

2005 Dodge Responsibility Tour De Georgia 

Georgia supports Republicans because... 

Georgia GOP leaders have reputation as pork lovers 

Glenn Richardson is Housespeaker Jive-Pro 

Sonny's Non-Sunny Forecast: A Severe Secrecy Front 

Honest Glenn's House Hawks 

Sonny LIED: The Official Georgia State Sign 

Can you spot the Two? 

Wicked Chamber Witch Threatens Georgia 

Not In Georgia Anymore 

StuPerdue, the Bulletproof Governor with backup shield 

Perdue explains the flag/frog misunderstanding 

Georgia's Gold Dome Gnomes led by the C.E.No 

Comparing Day and Night - George cannot tell a lie 

We can trust Republicans on HB218...NOT! 

Sonny's Decision: Political No-Brainer 

Sonny's Valentine 

Legislative Output 2005 

Presidente Bush & Gobernador Perdue do the Illegal Immigration Amnesty Shuffle 

The New & Improved Georgia State Seal 

The Perdue Counterfeit Flag Doormat 

The Good, the Bad & the Ugly 

Gen. Beauregard Lee says Georgia needs Fair Vote

Honest Glenn defends House Rule changes

The 2006 Playground gets Rough

A Christmas message to all

A Rare Lincoln Photo: Abe the Gay Entertainer

A Seasonal Atlanta Favorite: TurnCoat Lies

Savannah Taliban joins Anti-Southern Jihad

The Buck stops here...November 2006

Santa delivers message to Georgia General Assembly

Generalissimo Frizzell Mfume jumps ship

Georgia slaps Barnes again

Three Flags over Buckhead

More stickers the ACLU finds objectionable

A Veteran's Day stroll at Arlington

The Power of Focused Energy

Race for White House hampered by wind-drag & baggage

Another Nightmare at the Governor's Mansion

Nightmare at the Governor's Mansion

A Scary Thought for Lienus Perdue

Evil Win-Win Situation

Admiral Perdue & the Sonnytanic meet their doom

Perdue the Backstabber: Feeling a sharp pain in your back?

Them dogs won't hunt! Time to thin out the Scalawag dog pound

Soon to be unemployed in 2005? Get your Perdue Spineless Chicken franchise today!

Captain Johnson discovers the 2004 Point of Know Return

Readings by Sister Billie Shipp

Colonel Griffith with advice for Georgia flaggers

The coming 2006 eruption of Mt. Georgia Heritage

El Presidente Bush says 'Adios' to Perdue as he answers to Georgians

Augusta Taliban Cleans Up Riverwalk

Zell's Gun Shop

Americans With No Abilities Act

Match the Face to the Lie

Republicans and Democrats Differ on Proposed Border Signage

Perdue Pickup For Sale

Rep. Jimmy Skipper takes special 'housing pay raise'

Third Party Candidates Denied Ballot Access in Georgia

Sonny Perdue in Hitchcock's 'DUSTING A LIAR'

Flush the Johns!

Elect Dylan Glenn as Georgia's GOP Puppet (Not!)

A Scene from the Democratic National Convention

Bill Maher: Stoned? Or just Stupid?

How Bond Sees America

Another Day Another Lie

Gone With the Trend

Kerry/Edwards court Downtown Atlanta voters

Gullible Island

The Wall of Hate

Underground Coke Meetings

A Memorial Day Stroll at Arlington

Walmart exploitation

Archaic Arthur

Times Change...and not always for the better

Metro Atlanta Chamber learns the meaning of "wipeout"

Jesse Jackson breaks in a new Coke CEO

Delta unveils new as slogan

A Peek at Georgia's Future (May 5, 2021)

Iraq Flag Designers Revealed

Atlanta Chamber helps allocate scarce resources

Atlanta Chamber Vision Care

Perdue's Dodge Responsibility Tour De Georgia

Bush reconsiders immigration policy

Metro Atlanta Chamber Transit Sales

Flaggers repudidate Bill Shipp's inflammatory, divisive rhetoric

Chamber: Don't Like Gay Marriage? Tough!

A Day in Coke Chairman Daft's Office

A Night in the Governor's Mansion

The Lie-Master's Tournament

Busy Fatman Ignores Important Signals

A Tale of Two Georgias

Atlanta Needs More Water

TurnCoat Season 2004

Heritage Jedis - Episode 1

Georgia November Weenie Roast

Georgia Chamber of Commerce's New Flag Survey

Chairman Daft Explains bad news to the Coke Board?>

Judge Rules Dan Lee Lied

Play the Match the Face to the Name Game

Memorial dedicated to HPA and Chamber of Commerce

Heritage Roadkill: Who's it gonna be?

Apocalypse November

Porky and Foghorn say, "That's All Folks!"

Georgia's Village Idiots Promote Their Flag

Let My People Vote

President Bush Flags Daytona 500 TurnCoats

The Dorks of Hotlanta

Georgia's TurnCoat Sign Exchange

Madame Ving responds to reader questions

Georgia Heritage Predator: Tyronnesaurus Brooks

El Presidente Jorge W. Bush defends his immigration policy

Senator John Kerry Unveils New 'Gay State' flag

The New Georgia History Curriculum

Senator John Kerry Condemns South Carolina flag

Senator John Edwards Arrested in North Carolina

Taliban Tyrone Brooks outraged about swords in the capitol

Neanderthal Neal (Boortz) whines about the flaggers

Outbreak of Arrogance? Get Flagger Brand Kennel Dip!

href="x-files/turncoat-terry-coleman-howard-dean.phtml">Terry Coleman worries about Howard Dean's Confederate campaign strategy

href="javascript:openwindow('x-files/image-human-shields.php');">New Leadership Wanted - Georgia Pols are tired of being Human Shields

href="x-files/ving-arthur-blank.phtml">Madame Ving relays spirits' thoughts on Arthur Blank

href="x-files/metromucil.phtml">MetroMucil solves Atlanta's Sewer Problems

href="javascript:openwindow('x-files/image-grinch-blank.php');">Arthur 'Grinch' Blank Hates Christmas...and everything Southern, too.

href="javascript:openwindow('x-files/image-santas-list-perdue.php');">Lying Lands Perdue on the Naughty List

href="x-files/ving-exclusive-deal.phtml">Renowned Psychic Madame Ving announces exclusive deal with Georgia Heritage Coalition

href="javascript:openwindow('x-files/image-chamberpot-commerce.php');">Atlanta Chamberpot of

size=2>Did Sonny


New 21st Century Bigots

face=Arial size=2>The Empire's Umpires

href="x-files/lying-turncoat-tom-price.phtml"> Lying TurnCoat Tom

Lyin King

Mark Taylor...the

Infiltrate Jesse's Jihad

Atlanta Chamber -

Chicken Run 2003 - The

Chicken Run
2: The Fowlinator

href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">Atlanta's
Taliban - face=Arial size=2>Jesse Bin Lyin

American Government 101 - A

The Bipartisan LifeLine

href="">Have Flag Will

 Southern Flag Suppression

Sonny & The

Gov. Barnes meets the

Boss Hogg

stuff coming soon...